The Final Offer (6)

5 July, Military Jail, Military Base, City K

Ten minutes later, sitting in the video surveillance room, Steven noticed Joan, move in her chair slumping down before saying to Bronwyn "Give it ten minutes more and all the lawyers will be out of there."

Bronwyn watching the cameras shook her head and said "I hate to say that you were right on this.  I know we cannot hear the audio, but whatever is being said in there is aggravating the lawyers and they will come out to give the lot of them time to consider their options."

At that moment Bronwyn's mobile rang, and as she answered it, she heard John say, "Put that idiot Steven on the phone."

Hearing the anger in her husband's voice, Bronwyn handed her mobile over to Steven, saying "For you."

As he put Bronwyn's phone to his ear, Steven heard "What have you been doing you're a*sehole.  How dare you tell Lexi that, and drag my wife into it.  I should kill you."