The Final Offer (7)

** contains material not suitable for those under the age of 18 years**

5 July, Military Jail, Military Base, City K

Bronwyn looked at the eight defendants in the room, and noticed the Human Resources Vice President Gary Zhu, avoiding looking at the others, before saying "Are you thinking Gary Zhu?"

Nodding Steven said "Correct.  You and I both know the material enough to know other than Joan, who by only being involved for six or so months with them, he is the least involved in everything despite how long he has been with David Hwang."

Bronwyn paused, and after gathering herself together said "His wife and son were killed by a drunk driver.  If I remember things rightly, they were walking across at a set of traffic lights, and the drunk driver who was driving at high speed to escape the pursuing police crashed into them, killing  his son instantaneously and his wife died two hours later from her injuries."