The Final Offer (13)

**contains references to material not suitable for those under 18**

5 July, Military Jail, Military Base, City K

Lexi paused, turned, and observed the shocked look on Matthew's face.  She leant over and whispered to him "Let me go.  I need to do this, but I will talk with you about this later.  Nod if you understand."

As she was Mathew nod, Lexi turned back and stared at Gary Zhu again for thirty seconds.

The anger Lexi felt became much clearer as she started to speak again.  "I do not know how long you watched what happened, but I remember them taking the device they were live streaming on out to the outdoor spa, and you were still watching as they finished off what they did to me out there.  At the end, I remember you saying you wanted to be the first to take me tomorrow of everyone.  You knew what was planned the following day for me."