The Final Offer (14)

5 July, Military Jail, Military Base, City K

Lexi, feeling drained, turned, and looked at Matthew before bursting into tears and throwing herself into his arms.

Steven, looked up from the notes he had been making, realising as Lexi had been speaking that she had remembered more than she had told them about what had happened.  As he glanced at Gary Zhu, he could see not only had the colour left his face, but that he had shrunk down in the chair.  It was easy to notice that he was shocked, not only from someone challenging him, but everything she laid at his feet.

The question was, did he chase Lexi from the room or let her remain, so that Gary Zhu had to tell his story while one of his victims was in the room?

Taking a breath, Steven said "Mr Zhu, what do you have to say,"