A change of heart (4)

1 August, Matthew's Villa, City K

Lexi reacted in shock and pulled back from Matthew saying "Blame myself.  Why would…And what was that you just said about David Hwang?"

"Hey, do not blame me.  I always knew little pieces of information and had suspicions about things, but I only got cleared for all the material in the last few months.  At even then there was less than a dozen people cleared for all the intelligence until Joan had started her actions, and we only put everything together once things had happened."

Staring at Matthew Lexi snapped "You better be telling me the truth."

Throwing his hand up Matthew calmly said "If you do not believe me, talk to Head Honcho, Bronwyn or even Steven.  He only got cleared for things at the last minute and pieced a lot together, which even I had missed."

Lexi bit her lip, dropped her eyes slightly and added "You better be telling the truth."