A change of heart (5)

1 August, Matthew's Villa, City K

Dominic looked up, started at Lexi and said, "Am I going to be a big brother?"

Matthew and Lexi stunned looked at each other before eventually Lexi said "Not now Dominic, but maybe in the future, if it is meant to be.  But do you want to be a big brother?"

"I do Mummy,"

Lexi relaxed and said, "But you can practice soon as your Aunty Sally is pregnant, and you will soon have a little cousin.  You need to remember though, it will b a little baby, not like you…"

Dominic placed his hands on the table and said "Do you think I am silly Mummy.  I know that it will be years before my little cousin will be ready to play with me.  Some of my school friends have little brothers or sisters and I have seen that they cannot play with us."

Matthew snorted in laughter and Lexi could not help herself but to punch him in the arm before adding "Stop being silly Matthew…

"Yeah Daddy Matthew.  I am smart and know things."