Future (3)

19 August, Paul's Apartment, City K

Walking into the kitchen, Paul noticed Abigail there cooking breakfast, and said "Why are you home?  I thought you were meant to be in your initial training for a week or so more?"

"Are you angry?"

Paul moved over, and carefully gathered Abigail into his arms, kissing her before pulling back, resting his head on her forehead before saying "No.  Surprised is all.  If I could have you here every day, I would do that."

Abigail moved her head slightly and gently kissed Paul, before adding "So you have forgiven me, for making the decision that I have?"

"It is never a question of having to forgive you.  You know I love you.  It was more I had to get over my shock.  You could have gone to any university and still did what you wanted with your marks, but you opted to take the difficult path."