Future (12)

19 August, Maternity Ward, Gu Group hospital, City K

Jennifer felt the tears coming down her face and looked up and say that b*stard in the doorway, drunk.  How did he get past security.  Before she could even press the bedside bell to get help, he ran across the room, and started hitting her screaming "B*tch.  You had my money cut off."

All Jennifer could do is put up her arms to attempt to shield herself from him fists and screamed out "Help me."

About a minute later, two nurses and security came running in, with security dragged him out of the room, while he continued to scream "Get me my money you b*tch."

One of the nurses quietly said, "Are you alright?"

After lifting her head, Jennifer spotted one of the nurses who was the one that caused the scene at the infant ICU, that had left her unprotected from that b*stard.  As loud as she could, she spat out "Are you now happy.  Get away from me."