Future (13)

19 August, Rong Family Villa, City K

Taking a deep breath Jennifer said, "I do not know what I did to deserve the two of you coming into our lives."

Phillip calmly said "It was fate.  While I hate to pressure you, there is no option.  Do you want me to make a call to get you some help?"

Through her sob's Jennifer said, "Is it the only option?"

"Jennifer, what happens is your choice, but you need to consider what is more important, him or the children?  As I see it there is only once choice, but I suspect that it not the easiest decision to make."

Jennifer went silent for about thirty seconds, and Phillip could not help but to say "Jennifer are you there?"

Quietly, Jennifer responded "I am."  In a slightly louder voice, but with a resigned tone, Jennifer added "I am guessing that there is no real option.  Do what you think is best."

Phillip calmly said "No, I will only do it if it is what you want.  Is it?"