Protection (1)

21 August, Gu Group hospital, City K

Phillip and Chester cautiously followed Matthew and Lexi into a meeting room, where they could see Jennifer and that b*stard sitting at different ends of the table, the worker, some lawyers and a judge.

At the sight of Matthew in his uniform the worker snapped to Phillip "So you had to go running to your little brother?  It just reinforces my point."

Lexi turned back and looked at Chester and Phillip, slightly shaking her head and whispered "Let it be.  This is a battle for Matthew.  Go and support your friend and Jasmine's mother, she looked like she needs it."

Phillip and Chester both looked in the direction of Jennifer and could see that she was tense, and looked over towards the b*stard, and could see he had a smile on his face.

Chester leant over to Phillip and whispered, "She is right."