Protection (2)

21 August, Gu Group hospital, City K

General Qi looked around the room, before saying "I have heard what everyone has to say, and I am ready to make an interim ruling.  Before I do so, I want everyone present to understand that wherever possible I will be here for future hearings, but if that is not possible it will be via secure videolink at the Military Base Courts.  Does anyone have objections to that?"

Silence filled the room, and General Qi, calmly said "As to my ruling, I am revoking the initial orders and making new orders.  At this time, my current view is that the material relied on to bring the application is without merit.  It relies on one incident which, is in fact fuelled by prejudices of a mandatory notifier who appears to have instigated the events that caused the situation.  However, I will not throw out an investigation at this time.  In the end we are dealing with a vulnerable infant who is reliant on the adults around her for her protection."