A new day part 2

Iris pov

The whole ride bella was quite and a bit spaced out nicolia and the guys are in the car behind us .

We get to the house and i park and then nicolai parks behind us , i shake bella little bit because she hadn't realized that we are home , i say bella we are here she looks at me and says ok tia lets go in.

Everyone gets out the cars and Nicolai goes to bella side and luca and oscar go in the house to check it out , they come back out saying it's all clear i smile and say thank you they nod and say no problem as we go into the house nicolai says I'm going to take bella to bed she needs to rest , everyone says ok and so i tell them to make themselves at home while i cook they nod and say thank you.

Nicolai pov

I pick bella up in my arms and head to her room she lays her head on my chest and sighs I've missed you cola she says , i look down at her and say not as much as i missed you angel eyes we get into her room and she has a new queen sized bed in her room and she says when did this happen i say I don't know, i lay her down and she says lay with me cola i say ok she says close the door and i do and then i take off my shoes and hers and i lay and she surprises me and lays her head on my chest and i kiss the top her head. We stay in a comfortable silence and then after a while she says you know I thought i was dead , because i was in total darkness and then i was hearing my parents and when i saw them i was happy , they said it wasn't my time and that I shouldn't push away people that love me out of fear of losing them , when i woke up I realized that i was so close to pushing you away because it's what i do . She stay quiet and i caress her face and have her look at me and say angel eyes i would have never let you push me away even if you tried, you are it for me , you have me till i die , she starts to silently cry and i kiss away her tears and start to kiss her lips she moans a sensual moan and i say angel eyes lets get some rest you need to sleep she sighs and smiles at me lets both take a nap ok i nod and kiss her one more time before we both fall asleep.

Bella pov

I wake up in Nicolai arms and smile i look up at the clock on my wall its 3 in the afternoon i take a look at Nicolai and think to my self he is just so handsome.

I am seventeen years old almost eighteen and he gave me my first kiss , he is my first love . I want him to be my first and last everything i take my fingers and caress his sexy full lips and me feeling restless and he sleeping , i started kissing his neck nibbling on it , then strarted to stroke his shaft up and down slowly savoring how his body reacted to my touch , i then got on top of him and started to kiss his jawline making way to his ear lobe biting down ever so gently and then flicking my tongue at it ,he woke up and i smile at him good evening cola .

Nicolai pov

I wake up feeling my shaft hard as a rock and nibbling on my earlobe and once my eyes open, i see bella on top on me and she says good evening cola i rub my eyes because maybe it's a dream but its not , i say angel eyes what , but before i could finish what im going to say her lips are on mine she says shhh cola i want you to be my first and last everything and smile and pull back and say baby I want that too but i want your first time to be special, she says baby I don't care about none of that it's going to be special because it's you , i kiss her and say baby please she says fine but I'm going to take care of this and she unbuckles my pants and takes my shaft out and says this is my first time doing this so if I'm not good sorry in advance and she goes and licks the tip of my manhood and then puts him in her mouth and my head falls back and i grunt from how fucking good it feels and that encouraged her because she started to bob her head picking up her speed and i say baby yess that so good then once she has all of me in her mouth she starts to hum and that just sets me off and i say baby im abo but before i can say it i cum in her mouth and she cleans me up with her tongue and swallows it all up like if she was thirsty and my cum was her water . She licks her lips and shyly says your cum taste good and looks down at her hands , i lift her up and lay her down and say it's my turn baby girl and she turns red and say baby you don't have to , i say i know but baby girl it's only fair im hungry for you ,i kiss her and then go to her neck and kiss softly and lick then her ear and I whispered to her you ready baby and she nods and so i slide her pants and panty off and she tries to hide her face and i say baby don't hide let me see you face while I pleasure you she moves her hands and says i love you cola and i kiss her thighs up and down till i get to her flower and i lick her and hear her moan the sexiest sound I've ever heard and I continue my assault i lick and sucks first slowly and then faster sticking my tongue in her and licking like my life depended on tasting her , once i knew she was close I started to dip in and out her flower and then she reach her peak and I kept licking cleaning her all up and then i says baby you taste so good and i say baby wait here I'll be back she says ok and i go to her bathroom and run her a warm bath , then i pick her up and take her to the bathroom i say baby can i take off the rest of you clothes she says yes and so i undress her completely and put her in the bath she says thank you baby , i smile and say I'd do anything for you i hope you know that .

Bella pov

I went down on him he is so big , what I didn't expect was for him to go down on me , it was mind blowing like wow and he's just so sweet and loving I'm in the bath and he says he would do anything for me and i start to cry and he panicked saying baby are you ok did i do something wrong ? I say no it's just i never thought that i would fall inlove and be loved the way you love me . I look him in the eyes and say even if I died today i would die happy because of you .