Lost control

Iris pov:

Once everyone was sitting in the living room Nicolai asked me what happened to Bella?

I sighed and said well where do I begin , let's see before Bella parents passed she would take boxing and jujitsu to calm her anger and help with all her excess energy , but after her parents passed she became closed off , one day we was out and a guy tried to hurt me and she blacked out and beat him so bad he was hospitalized , she wasn't charged and she never showed any remorse about it either but she said the same thing she did that night tonight, don't mess with my family .

Nicolai pov

So she's very protective of her family and my girl can kick ass , good to know but on a serious note ,

I think she reacts that way because you're all the blood family she has left and she's scared to lose you .

Iris pov

That is what the doctor said but I get worried since the coma she was in after the accident that killed her parents she woke up different not the same Bella and i get it she lost her parents but it's almost like she lost herself too.

Luca pov

Don't worry we will keep an eye on her okay ,Iris nods an okay and Bella comes down and ask if the food has arrived yet and that's when we hear the doorbell and Nicolai says I'll get it ,he gets the door and pays for the food and grabs it then him and Bella head to the kitchen Bella says come on y'all lets eat, all of us go and Bella says eat as much as you want Nicolai serves Bella and himself on one plate and then he sits down and Bella sits on his lap she tells him cola I'm tired he says I know angel eyes ill feed you she says okay and so they eat together .

Iris pov

So Bella sits on Nicolai lap and lays her head on his shoulder and he's feeding her.

She looks exhausted ,but I have to ask

Bella do you remember what happened at the restaurant ,she stops Nicolai from feeding her and says yes tia I'm fully aware of what went down and what I did ,and to answer the question I'm sure you're about to ask ,no I don't regret it , he acted like he loved you for 5 years tried to get close to me and for what to betray you ,to hurt you in the end , no he deserves that and lets not get me started on that damn nurse, I've given more than enough chances and what has she done nothing but try to harm me so lets not pity them for getting what they got I'm sane tia I didn't black out this time around , I know what went down and don't you worry as long as they stay away from us ill be the calm level headed person I always am, but if they come looking for it they will find it ,I will not keep taking bullshit and neither should you .

Once she finished she got off of Nicolai and said a good night to every one and told Nicolai she will be in her room and she left .

I look at they guys and say sorry about that Julian says she's not wrong in what she said and they really did deserve what they got so no-one here should feel bad about it, all the guys nod and

Nicolai says iris I know you worry and I do too because once she starts chemo up again she will be getting weak but trust and believe we all will have her back and yours too.

I nod an okay and everyone starts eating again except Nicolai he says well my angel is waiting for

me so good night y'all enjoy your food ,he gets up put the disposable plate in the garbage and goes up to Bella ,some of the guys laugh and say he so whipped in unison.

Nicolai Pov

My angel is everything i wanted in a woman and more she's smart , kind, can fight and beautiful , right now i know iris is worried about Bella and i am too but for a totally different reason .

Soon she will start up chemo and that will take a toll on her ,that is what has me worried .

Every time i look at her she looks tired and I can't help but remember when she told me she was tired of fighting , if I'm honest with myself I'm scared she will give up but i know she won't cause me and the guys will be her strength and help her through it .

Once i get to her bedroom i knock and she says come in , i open the door and she smiles a tired smile and says come cola get comfortable and come lay down with me , i nod an okay , Once i get undressed staying in my boxers ,i walk to her bed her eyes trail my body and she bites her lip , i smile at her she tells me cola what i do to deserve you as i lay next to her i say to her ,no what i do to deserve a angel like you to love and cherish till my very last breath.

Bella smiles she puts her head on my chest and i play with her hair as she falls asleep and i do too.


Bang Bang Bang

Bella & Nicolai Pov

Bella and i wake up and jump out of bed , we get out the room and everyone is waking up due to the banging on the house door , once we all get to the living room bella aunt says I'll get the door bella says no and runs towards her aunt but bella aunt already opened the door , it all happened so fast bella put her self infront of her aunt and all we hear is a gun shot i run up and subdue the guy and then luca hands me cuffs and the guys go out to check if more people was with the guy or if it was just him , it's not untill iris yells for bella to hold on that we realize bella was hit , i tell luca to call 911 and stay here with the guy , bella aunt was holding bella tight crying that bullet was for me why bella why you do that , bella smiles and says weakly it was worth it because you're okay tia .

Nocail Pov

I grab bella from her aunt and put pressure on the wound i tell her aunt to start the car so we can go to the hospital bella kept saying cola if i don't make it take care my aunt promise , i said baby don't talk like that , she says baby please promise you will take care my aunt , i say i promise now stop talking save your energy the bullet seems to be still in you I don't think it hit anything bit I can't be sure .

Luca says I'll meet you once i get this all handled we say okay and leave to the hospital.