Chapter 84 big waves (sixth watch)

"289 moves!"

"299 moves!"

"314 moves!"


"351 moves!"

"366 moves!"


time lapse.

Three days later, it's the new year in Shenzhou.

At the same time, it is also the date when the Soviet Union and Vietnam fought against Baizhao.

By dodging and moving, Su Yue has been able to dodge hundreds of moves of Wang Boyan, and even the bombardment of the second level martial artists. He can also hold on with his teeth and will not fall down directly.

"Su Yue, I'd like to remind you that even if you run behind the referee and admit defeat, you should remember that you can't be hit by Bai Zhao.

"If you don't touch the ground, you have to be cut off.

"The rest of the remaining three days is your own rest. Before the battle, it's also important to relax.

"As for me, I have nothing to teach you without dying."

Su Yue finally fell, but Wang Boyan was also very tired.

Every second level martial artist has an assassin's mace. When it is used, the opponent will not be able to survive. Wang Boyan doesn't need to use it against the Soviet Union and Vietnam.

"Thank you very much, Miss Wang."

After a rest, Su Yue stood up and bowed to Wang Boyan.

"Although you have been reborn compared with a month ago, Bai Zhao has not relaxed.

"Yesterday, I just got the news that Bai Zhao challenged a segment a game again. Although he lost in the end, a second level martial artist was also seriously injured.

"That guy's tongue sword is faster now, and its angle is more tricky. You should be careful.

"But as long as you avoid floating in the air, you have no problem saving your life."

Wang Boyan said.

Su Yue nodded. After three days of war, he couldn't wait.

"By the way, how many calories do you have now?"

Wang Boyan asked suddenly.

This kid, every seven or eight days, his strength will be greatly improved, which is amazing.

"30 cards."

After Su Yue thought about it, he said it truthfully.


Pay point available: 1887

Pay counter:

1: sleep forgiveness

2: the price of love (use next time, consume 700 pay points)

3: save your dog's life

4. Difference between human and ghost

HP: 30 calories


This is the data in the system.

He has exchanged Qi and blood for three times in a row. Now the cost has reached 700.

The third disability was blindness in one eye.

This did not affect Su Yue's cultivation. On the contrary, in the state of blindness, Su Yue's reaction speed slowed down. After he regained his vision, his reaction speed went up to a higher level.

Pay value still failed to break the 2000 mark.

First, it's because of the exchange of sleep amnesty.

Second, I was familiar with the bombardment of Wang Boyan, and the increase of pay point began to slow down.

"What... 30 calories, so fast, you can wash your bones. "

Wang Boyan was smoking at the corners of his mouth.


The golden bone is the capital of a great master.

Who can not envy.

If everything goes well, SuYue in the future will be the governor of one city.

Young man, it's really unfathomable.

"Yes, I'm going to wash my bones!"

Su Yue nodded.

"There's not enough water for bone washing. I have some savings. I can help you."

Wang Boyan said.

"This is enough.

"I knocked three bottles at the beginning of the club, and the instructor sent two bottles. Now there are five bottles."

Su Yue road.

"After the bone washing starts, I can't tolerate failure. The more bone washing water, the better. I'll bring you a bottle later. Six bottles are safe.

"You don't have to be as polite as a woman. Now I'll help you. When you're developed, maybe I can also ask for your help.

"Before the war, you must not wash your bones. After washing your bones, you will have a few days of weakness. Moreover, washing your bones will not improve your strength and do not worry."

Said Wang Boyan.

"I know. Thank you, sir. I'm not welcome."

Su Yue nodded.

This month, instead of competing, he took Qi and blood pills every day. His previous savings had been exhausted. Sun Zhiwei secretly sponsored many Qi and blood pills.

As for bone washing, Su Yue also knows about it.

Before bone washing, you must empty your whole body of Qi and blood, which is to reduce the resistance of your body's strength.

The best bone washing state is from weakness to extreme.

It's not hard to be weak. Others can help to consume.

After bone washing, there will be several days of weakness.

As for Wang Boyan's help, Su Yue had no reason to refuse.

He is right. When he has developed, he will redouble the repayment.

"Have a good rest. In three days, I will go to watch the battle myself."

Wang Boyan patted Su Yue on the shoulder.

An unsealed student, challenging the best taste in history, is really expected.


"Sure enough, I broke one more card."

After Wang Boyan left, Su Yue had a rest.

When he was training just now, he always felt that his strength had been improved by a small margin, but Wang Boyan was there, and he didn't dare to confirm it.

Locate the detector.

Sure enough, it's 31 cards.

This 1 card of Qi and blood is the improvement of one's self cultivation, which has nothing to do with the system.

"Bai Zhao, if you threaten my family and want to kill me, I will give you a perfect answer.

"How does it feel to kill?

"No, you're a wicked man. I'm killing you. I'm killing a jackal."

Sue took a deep breath.

After all, for the first time, he had to give himself some psychological hints.


Jieyan City, bus station.

Yang Le got out of the car and looked lost.

Although he was half a year late, Yang Lezhi still remembered that he was a special instructor of the potential class in the city of stratigraphy.

The damn North martial arts students' Union has to use this kind of time wasting task to toss people.

In theory, every two months, members of their student union will sacrifice their one week holiday to point out potential students in each city.

In the first half of the year, Yang Lezhi was too lazy to come. He just said hello to Dai Yuegui, and then he muddled through.

Beiwu students have a credit system.

If you can get high marks in the college entrance examination, you can get credit rewards.

But according to the score of the college entrance examination in the upper strata of history, this credit is a drop in the bucket, which is meaningless at all.

Only the gold bone elephant or the martial arts seal will reward a considerable credit.

In general, students who are young and have more than 20 cards want to wash their bones, but they will give up sealing products.

There is no seal, even if you have 29 card college entrance examination results, there is not much oil and water.

Therefore, Yang Lezhi is too lazy to worry.

I can't hide this time. Let's have a look. At least I know there are several students.

"The feeling of lovelorn is really painful."

Yang Lezhi was carrying a bag on his back, and his face was heartbroken.


A few days ago, he was lovelorn.

Inexplicably, my girlfriend fell in love with someone else, which was a pain to my heart.

Although, I haven't even pulled my girlfriend's hand.


"The snow is falling, the north wind is blowing... Heaven and earth, a vast expanse... "


Yang Lezhi's mobile phone rings.

"Why... President? What do you want me to do? Do you want to introduce my girlfriend, let me forget the pain?

"It's worthy of being the president of the student union. That's interesting."

Yang Lezhi answers the phone.

"Full charge?

"Excuse me, president. My ex girlfriend is getting married. I have to blow up the wedding scene. I don't have time. "

Yang Lezhi tells a lie at will.

Help you pay for the call?

What are you kidding me? If I have money, I need to earn some credits in the market?

"What, you're not married yet?"


"Lying trough... Is that beast you?

"You are a natural third. I will kill you."

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the whole world was shaking.

It turns out that the brute who robbed his girlfriend was the president of the student union.

Yang Lezhi was spitting blood.

I dare to ask me to pay for your call. Would you like to send you a CD of the past?


In the past, the CD hasn't been filmed yet, and the hands can't be held.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Lezhi lost his soul and felt that life was boring.

He is only a third class animal, and the chairman of that animal, has four classes, and this product is expected to be five before graduation.


At night, people come and go on the streets.

Yang Lezhi is holding a can of beer in his hand. He needs to drink to drown his worries.

"You said, you will love me forever."

"It's stupid of me to forget to ask you... This life, or next life... "

"From now on, let's take a quick look, not talk about feelings..."

"South wall, I won't hit it! You, I don't love... Lonely for the rest of my life, without touching love... "


Yang Lezhi opens the beer, but when he comes to his mouth, he suddenly remembers that alcohol is harmful to the warrior.

"Ah... Ah... Ah... "

He held up his beer and poured it on his head.

Ah... Ah... Ah...

The bitter wine flows down his forehead. Yang Lezhi feels abandoned by the world.

Roaring, roaring... Roaring...


"Wow, wuzhe, beer topping. Isn't that something with mental retardation?"

"Martial artists are powerful, and there are sand sculptures."

"Fuck, this is the prime brother for generations."

"Don't talk about civilization."

"But the little brother's trousers are leaking out. It's red. It's very festive."

Everyone in the back is talking.

"Husband, if I leave, will you also pour beer, heartbreaking."

A chubby girl, dragging her boyfriend reluctantly asked, her eyes hanging clear tears, obviously into the play.


After venting, Yang Lezhi felt more comfortable.

He left the crowd and found a park to calm down for a while.

Perhaps, everyone has the right to pursue love. No love is no love.

Forget it. Let go.

First, I'll wash my hair. It's sticky and smelly: "let's have a tin paper perm. From today on, I only like myself, so I choose to bury my love."

Barber Shop.

Yang Lezhi sits down.

"Handsome man, what style do you want?"

Hairdresser smiled grimly.

"A tin foil press."

Yang Yuezhi said in a mournful tone.


"Tin foil? That's not the night market barbecue stand. It's used to roast pig brain flower and Flammulina mushroom! "


Suddenly, Yang Lezhi heard a familiar and annoying voice.


In such a place, why meet Xu Baiyan?

I'm offending the gods.

"Yang Lezhi, you are the sand sculpture with beer topping on the street just now.

"Do you think of class at last?

"By the way, I heard that you are green. Talk about it. What's the feeling? Is it exciting? Is it sour?

"Is it because of the Flammulina mushroom on the bottom and the pig brain on the top?"

Xu Baiyan dyed the big waves and looked at Yang Lezhi with a mocking face.