Chapter 85 I look for my brother (the seventh watch)

Aunt, can you spare me?

"I've given all my money, but my hair hasn't been permed yet. Why are you dragging me out?

"Didn't you just beat your milk at the beginning of school? I already know it's wrong. For two years, sister, please let me go. "

Caught by Xu Baiyan from the barber shop, Yang Yuezhi wants to cry without tears.

It's already poor.

It costs 500 yuan to iron the tin paper once, and I finally washed my head.


"Yang Lezhi, or... Let me cut your basket. I make medicine.

"It's no use keeping your girlfriend away anyway."

Xu Baiyan gnawed his teeth.

This beast.

Which pot doesn't open, which pot you mention.

At the beginning of school, he had short hair. The beast thought he was a man.

Say hello to your chest.

Can't you feel the soft?

All the way to one, it's asymmetric now.

I don't want to kill you. You have to thank the law.

"Auntie, I'm actively looking for a girlfriend. Don't be impulsive and calm down.

"By the way, what are you doing here?"

Yang Lezhi quickly changed the topic.


At the beginning, the tomboy who was abused by himself has surpassed himself in recent years and is completely under pressure to fight.

A dead step makes two sounds.

It's a quality knife. It's terrible.

Although we are all three grades, our own tactics have fallen behind.

But at the beginning you had to wear the same clothes as a man, but also inch head, blame me to hit you?

Obviously you don't have a little bit of flexibility, you blame me?

Hatefully, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Who makes them inferior to others? They are so humiliated by a woman.

"My brother is studying in the potential class. I think he doesn't know where the potential class is.

"You are their assistant instructor. You can take me to find my brother."

Xu Baiyan has no right to go to the Education Bureau of the city. She can only find her own way.

Originally, Yang Lezhi was absent from work and rowed, but never came.

I'm ready to think of other ways, but who knows, I saw a sand sculpture watering the beer on the road. Once again, it was Yang Lezhi.

Xu Baiyan felt that it was a shame that he had been defeated by this kind of goods.

"Nvxia, you said so.

"Your brother, that's my brother. I'm the coach of the potential class. I will guarantee that he will be admitted to Wuda."

Yang Lezhi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not rare.

"My brother took the first place in the joint examination. He had 18 calories of Qi and blood. Even if he slept for half a year, he didn't worry about relying on the big four.

"On the contrary, if my brother doesn't sign, you should not get credits, right?

"In case my brother comes out and can wash his bones before the college entrance examination, I'll see if your intestines can be green."

Xu Baiyan sneers.

"The joint examination result of 18 cards is very good.

"But you worry too much, nvxia. You can't wash your bones in one year. If your brother goes to the fourth grade, he may wash his bones in the first grade.

"But it's good enough."

Yang Yue's eyes stared.

In this half year, I should come twice, but I don't have time every time, so I don't know about the potential class.

But in a year, 18 cards have been upgraded to 30, with little hope.

At the beginning, I was also a joint examination result of 17 cards. I didn't succeed in bone washing until I joined Beiwu.

It's not that easy.

"Well, you dare to look down on my brother."

Xu Baiyan's face was cold.

"I don't mean to underestimate your brother. We are martial arts practitioners. You have to talk about science and logic. You didn't wash your bones until you went to Beiwu!

"If your brother can wash his bones before the college entrance examination, I'll swallow my knife."

Yang Lezhi patted his backpack.

"Hum, contact the Education Bureau quickly. I want to see my brother!"

Xu Baiyan stares at one of Yang Le's eyes.

But he is also right. After 20 cards, it is more difficult to upgrade each card. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to wash bones in one year.

"By the way, is your quality knife on the second floor?"

Suddenly, Yang asked.

"Why, you want to try? Sacrifice the sword with your basket. "

Xu Baiyan looks at Yang Lezhi's legs with bad intention.

"Don't be so rude with such a beautiful girl, I'll just ask."

Yang Lezhi breathes a sigh.

I don't know which unlucky ghost will marry this female thug. If one is not careful, the basket will be cut. It's terrible.

Education Bureau, they contacted Dai Yuegui.

After that, Yang Lezhi and Xu Baiyan got on the coach to Yuliang city.

Yang Lezhi is a teaching assistant. Dai Yuegui told his students exactly where they were.

"Yuliang city seems to have a very famous fight club, where many first-class martial artists live."

Yang Lezhi frowned.

"It's time for the potential class to go to the club to practice, but the college entrance examination doesn't test fighting. This kind of practice is very slow."

Xu Baiyan frowned.

She thinks potential class will delay Su Yue.

"It's supposed to be the way to train people to resist beating and defend the martial arts.

"Your brother has 18 calories of Qi and blood. He won't waste time here. He should attack the Department."

One of Yang Le Leng.

"If my brother's cultivation is delayed, I will castrate you, the irresponsible instructor."

Xu Baiyan frowned deeper.

Fortunately, Su Yue has 18 cards. Even if he wastes time, he won't worry about going to the big four, or he will be really delayed.

"I've been absent from work. I can't blame you."

Yang Lezhi's mouth is curled.


Yu Liang City.

Dai Yue has a hotel on the first floor.

The hotel is the nearest to the club, and one room is hard to find. But under sun Zhiwei's arrangement, the whole potential class has stayed on the best floor.

In the new year, the potential class will have a week off.

Dai Yuegui led all the students to Yuliang city.

Two days later, Su Yue will step on the challenge arena.

Although he didn't tell the students who Guangkun was, he had to let everyone watch the game.

At least, Su Yue is not alone in the arena.

"Do you know? Guangkun is my idol, he is the fastest streak

"You came at the right time to see the World War I between Guangkun and Baizhao."

A student in the Department of defense introduced Guangkun's situation endlessly.

He is a big fan of Guangkun.

"It seems that the students here are also very happy. By the way, what about the SuYue people? Has he made any progress in this period of time? I'm afraid I'll take his position as monitor? "

Liao Ji sighed.

In this period of time, my accomplishments have made rapid progress again.

25 cards.

No one dares to disagree.

Although it's even more difficult for the increase of Qi and blood, there is still hope for 28 cards before the college entrance examination.

After entering the top four, strive for bone washing within half a year.

This is genius, this is talent.

"Let's have a good rest for a few days. Yuliang is very busy during this period."

Liao Ping digs the subject.

Su Yue is Guangkun's business. He dare not talk about it without Su Yue's permission.

I hope Liao Ji won't provoke Su Yue this time. It's really disgraceful.

During this period, Liao Ping also had 25 cards. As a member of the Defense Department, his speed was not really slow.

"Liao Ping, did Su Yue go to other places to train?"

Asked Gong Ling, frowning.

She'd love to meet SuYue.

In this period of time, Gongling has also cultivated to 16 calories. Although it has not reached the admission line of class a martial arts university, it is not easy to be a girl with poor foundation.

Zhou Yuncan squats in front of oyster sauce.

At present, he has 18 calories, which is less than 1 calorie of Qi and blood.

No way out.

Although the joint examination of 15 calories of Qi and blood, but this is the gap between genius and ordinary people.

Liao Ping and Liao Ji have been far away from them.

It's even hopeless.

Of course, it is also related to the prosperity of Liao Ping and Liao Ji's families.

After all, they have more blood than others.

"Cross year dinner, Su Yue will come back. Don't ask.

"Don't underestimate the fighters. They are the top level of martial artists, especially Liao Ji. Don't be complacent if you think you will be vigorous.

"In the challenge arena the day after tomorrow, you will know the difference between yourself and others."

Dai Yuegui shook his head and left.