What Did He Say To You

The whole night you tossed and turned images of your parent and brother flashed in your head. It was a recurring nightmare but tonight was different. It was like someone was watching you while you lay on the cold went concrete. His shadow stood over you and just as you looked up to see his face you wake. You sheets drenched in sweat. You looked at your clock 3 am. So early no way I can go back to sleep after that. You decided to go for a run.

You start running to shake off the dream. You had gotten pretty far when you slowed to a light jog.Your mind raced. who was that figure? what did he seem so familiar? had i seen him before? is he somehow the reason i cant remember the day of the accident? Slowly that wonder had turned to the day before. About that weird kid who transferred

You: why did he get me so aggravated. i had just met him and yet there is something about him. like i yelled at him then i felt bad what is up with you y/n. why do you even care. great now your talking to yourself like a weirdo

A twig snapped behind you… I someone is following me… You start to go faster… in a whisper

You: someone is definitely behind me. what do i do. this has never happened. some way somehow god your just making this week worse and worse.

Turning down a back alley footsteps get closer and closer.

you: okay I'm sorry I was just playing. Please let it be in my head no one is there

you took a deep breath and the footstep was right behind you. Until you felt them right there. A hand touches your shoulder. You dropped to the ground

You: please don't hurt me please I'm begging you

Key: y/n what are you doing

Someone picks you up but the tears were to thick to see who

You: please don't hurt me please someone help me

Key: yah your fine it's Key… y/n you're okay now

He pulls you into his arms

Key: your shaking what happened

You: i d...don't know...know i couldn't s...sleep so I...I went for a run b...but i hears as...someone b...behind me. A...and I...I c...couldn't l...lose him I… was s...so scared

More tears came out and you cried into your hands

you: please tell me that it was you

key: I am sorry it wasn't i just got here

you: oh my god he could... co..could have kidnapped me

Key: he's gone now you're okay. Y/N look at me don't go running in dangerous places like this anymore can you do that for me

You: okay i can do that

Key: can you get home alright

You: yeah b...but where are you going

Key: I have errands to run

You: it's like 5 am what could you possibly be doing

Key: just this and that. You get home and i will come get you for school

you: you don't have to do that

Key: after a scare like this no way am i letting you walk by yourself anymore

you: we just met

Key: doesn't mean i want something to happen to you. It' just a precaution

You turned and started to jog home. When you get in the house you sit on the couch.

You: I could have died… Key saved me… maybe he isn't that bad…

Ring ring ring your alarm interrupts your thoughts. You take a hot shower and get ready for school

Key Pov

Key: I can't wait to see y/n… calm down and let's just go get her

He starts to walk to your house. When her arrives and knocks no one answers

Key: where is y/n… did she get home okay… should I have walked her home

He starts walking down the street freaking out. After a while and calming down he sees you walking totally spaced out.

Key: why didn't she wait… did i do something wrong again… did something happen after she left

y/n: oh gosh Key… I'm stupid

She faced palms herself and turns around

Y/N: omo Key you scared me why didn't you say something

Key: ohh y/n you finally noticed

Y/N: your not upset… I'm sorry

Key: no uh I'm not

Y/N: please forgive i usually keep all my promises

She latched on my arm

Key: omo what are doing

y/n: what do you say

Key: only if you do something for me

Y/n: what

Key: I want you to love me

y/n: eh what

Key: just kidding have breakfast with me right now

y/n: I don't know. I ate already but fine and it's not a date

Y/n Pov

He grabs your hand and heads to the cafe. But you did notice someone watching. After breakfast you head to class with his arm around you laughing.

Wendy: look at y/n and Key

Seulgi: she's laughing… for the first time… she might be back

Kai: she looks so happy

D.O: we really could have are y/n back

Key notices them talking and let's go

Key: are you okay

You: yes it's just they have high hopes but I can't

Key: let's get to class

Minho: look at them so close

Onew: they look like they're dating

Minho: must be jealous after she shut you out

Taemin: why would i be. This doesn't mean anything

Onew: means he could still your girl

Taemin: not if we tell the truth about him

Onew: so you agree that she is your girl

Minho: oh shut about Onew we all know she is

He glares at key

-Time skip -

Weeks passed you were still the same but slowly key had chipped away your cold exterior. You had joined your friends during lunch and sometimes walked from class to class with them.They all saw this as a sign you were meant for key. As you two grow closer Taemin grew jealous and distant As you walked out of class with Seulgi and Wendy. Someone grabs you and pulls you into an empty classroom

You: yah what the hell are you doing

Taemin: just shut up real quick

You try to pull your hand out of his but he holds tighter.

You: what do you want T

Taemin: just hear me out

You: tell me now or I'm going

Taemin: I know the last few weeks you shut me out a

You: I didn't shut you out

Taemin: then how do you explain constantly hanging out with key and not me

You: when I am with him we are with the group it's not my fault you choose not to be with us

Taemin: do you think i choose this y/n. I told you to stay away from him yet you didn't listen

You: cause you do not control who I hang out with. Plus it the group that wants him there

Taemin: so your telling me if the group doesn't want him you wouldn't hangout with him

I went silent

Taemin: exactly… you have feelings for him

You: I do not have feelings for him

Taemin: I never said you liked him i meant as a friend but even being his friend is dangerous for you

You: what do you mean dangerous for me

Taemin: you can't trust Key he's not who he says he is

You: how do you know that you won't even give him a chance

Taemin: he's lying to you…

You: about what

Taemin: you have met before and you were hurt. I care about you even if you don't care about me… I don't want to see you hurt.

You: i care about you... what do you mean i met him before… where when how do you know all this

Taemin: I've known you forever since we were kids i was always there for you. I helped you through your tough time so can't you trust me this once

Taemin took you in his arms and hugs you tight

Taemin: you are an important person to me. I hope you will take it serious this time

You: how can i when you won't answer my questions and just create more for me… i'm so confused

You pushed him away

Taemin: y/n please

You: just leave me alone

He tried to reach out for you

You: don't touch me

You leave the room and walked out of school

Key Pov

Wait y/n was just here a second ago. Where did she go

Key: have you seen y/n

Wendy: not since class the last class. We were even supposed to walk home

Irene: she just disappeared

Key: damn it where could she have gone

Onew: don't worry she's with a friend who actual care for her and wants what's best

Key: what have you done

Minho: she deserves the truth

Key: where is Taemin

Minho: don't worry, it doesn't matter now

You run all over school until you see her running away

Key: yah y/n

She keeps running. Taemin comes out of the room she just came out of.

Taemin: damn it y/n I wasn't finished

I ran to him angry

Key: what did you do what did you tell her

Taemin: the truth… or at least enough to keep her away from you

Key: it wasn't your place to tell her

Taemin: I couldn't stand by and watch you hurt her

Key: she wasn't hurting

Taemin: please you think once you tell her the truth she will really choose you. After what has happened to her. She would hate you as much as I do.

Key: i swear i will kill you

I slam him against the locker

Taemin: well i'm waiting… just one more reason for y/n to hate you

I glared at him lowering my fist

Teacher: what are you two doing

I let him go

Teacher: well

You glare at Taemin and leave after y/n

Teacher: I was talking to you key

I keep walking

Teacher: what's going on Taemin. what did you do

Taemin: I did what I needed to


Once your outside you hop on your bike and drive home

You: what could he have possibly have meant I met him before. I think i would remember meeting Key. If key knew who I was then why wouldn't he say something? How would Taemin even know that? Why is he acting like this? is it because he is jealous does he like me? No that's crazy. We have been friends since we were kids. But he spoke as if it was deeper. He would just tell me if he did. but since key got here it's changed he's grown over protective.

You finally got home and laid in your bed.

You: why is everything so complicated in just a few weeks… hell how can things change in just one year… I was happy this time last year with my parent brother and taemin… maybe i should just listen to taemin he has done so much for me.

Eventually you fell asleep. It was the deepest sleep you have had in a while… thoughts of taemin and key consumed you

-Ring ring ring -

You felt for you phone

You: hello

Key: hey are you coming to school? Where are you?

You: who is this?

Key: I will take that as your still in bed

You: mhm

Key: it's Key and i guess you also forgot you have school

You: what time is it

Key: 7:45 you have 15 minutes to hurry up and get here

He hung up

You: I can miss one day

You snuggle further into your blanket

Key pov

Key: where is y/n class is going to start soon

The bell rings

Mr.t: are you coming class is about to start and I'm closing the door

Key: yeah

I walk to my seat and sit

Wendy: where is our usual teacher

Mr.t: you teacher isn't here

Everyone: daebak

Mr.t: you have a quiz to take as review due at the end of the day

Everyone: no booo… let's skip it

She should have been here by now she doesn't live that far from the school… I sent her a text

key(Text): hey why aren't you here

It was a few minutes

y/n(Text): not coming

key(T): what do you mean your not coming

mr.t: alright the quizzes are passed out no talking and no phones

y/n(T): just focus on your work

What did taemin tell you

key(T): your missing a quiz

y/n(T): I can just make it up

key(T): I want to talk to you

There was no reply… did she fall back to sleep. You look at taemin he looks at you then checks his phone and grins. I just wanted to beat the shit out of him right here and right now.

mr.t: I forgot to take roll so let's do that shall we

He called off a few names

Mr.t: kim y.n

Aish… everyone just looked around

Mr.t: kim y/n

Taemin: she is sick so she won't be coming

She texted you as well… why are you two even friends… why didn't she tell me she was sick or is he lying. What damage has he done now