Easy Target

You wake up to a knocking at your door.

you: go away

They just keept knocking louder

You: I'm coming just wait

Key: it's me hurry and open up

I finally get to the door and open it looking at him angrily

You: what are you doing here you should be at school

Key: did you sleep all day school is over. Anyway that doesn't matter what matters is the reason i came

You: and that is why

Key: i came to pick you up

You: pick me up for what

Key: don't worry about that just go get dressed.

You: you should know that i don't take well to orders

Key: it's not an order i just want to take you out

You: Key I…

Key: as a friend if that make you any better

You: it doesn't

Key: please do this for me

You: how should i get dressed if i don't know where we are going

Key: just make it sexy

You: sexy what

Key: just do it trust me

you: i don't do sexy at all so I'm not going

Key: just go put on a dress

Slowly you walked up the stairs remembering what taemin said

Taemin: don't trust Key… you mean a lot to me I hope you listen

Should I really be doing this. I stayed home from school for a reason to stay away from them. You walk into your room and to the closet.

you: If Taemin finds out he will be angry. He is already angry for who knows what. This could push him over the deep end.

I took a deep look into the mirror. What's the harm for just one night. I started to walk down the stairs, stopping at the end.

Key: are you okay y/n

He grabs your hand and pulls you to him

You: yeah i'm all good

You push him away and walk out of the house. This doesn't feel right. I should have listened to taemin right.

Key: hey are you sure

You: yeah let's just go

He opens the car door for you and you get in. He drove to a well known club that specializes in illegal things. Like serving minors and drugs. They even have back rooms just in case some guy gets lucky and some girl has the worse night of her life. If she would even remember

You: a club

Key: yeah it's time for you to let loose and Seulgi told me you loved this place

You: in the past but it's not that good. i don't know anymore

He was asking them about me. What is he getting at. Does he really know me

Key: just try and have fun

You: but

Key: no buts let's go

He pulled you into the club

You: it's so crowded can't you just take me home

Key: can you make an effort

you: i am trying but i don't like crowds

Taemin POV

Minho: yah is that Key with Y/n

Onew: what are they doing here

Minho: and why does she look sexy as hell

Onew: i would think after what Taemin told her she would stay away

Wendy: yeah and she was sick today

Seulgi: not that sick what do you think T

Taemin: she never seems to listen to me

Seulgi: what do you mean

Onew: that doesn't matter

Minho: Key, Y/n over here

Taemin: just leave them

Seulgi: why

Taemin: it doesn't matter now

Y/n and Key walked over here

Wendy: what brings you here thought you were sick

y/n: I can have fun while being sick

Seulgi: i knew you were never sick… when does the queen ever get sick

Minho: well I could show you a fun time if you really want one

Key looked as if he was going to say something but i beat him to it

Taemin: yah Minho leave her alone she wants a fun time not a disappointment

Wendy and Seulgi started to laugh and y/n looks at me

Taemin: are you feeling better after yesterday

y/n: yeah i'm fine

Wendy: what happened yesterday

You: it's nothing

y/n pov

Wendy: Seulgi and y/n let's dance come on please

You: I don't want to

Seulgi: you said you wanted to have fun this is the only way

You: alright i guess one song

Wendy: yeah let's go

They started to pull

You: how about the next song. I can't dance to this one

Seulgi: stop being a good girl

You: it's embarrassing

Wendy: just try it

It was a sexy song at first it was weird but after a while it was fun.

Seulgi: let's do this song

All of you danced against each other. Pretty soon 2 more girls walked over.

Wendy: this is Yeri and Chaeyoung

You: hello nice to meet you.

Chaeyoung: your really cute

You: no i'm not but thank you

Yeri: let's dance a bit

You: what i'm a little tired

Yeri: come on just one

You: okay just this once

You start to dance

Key Pov

Onew: look at them Chaeyoung is so sexy

Minho: your totally blind it's totally Yeri

Key: your both wrong it's y/n in so many ways

Across the bar people began to talk

Kai: I was right that was y/n she is so hot

D.O: that dress fits her in all the right places… damn

Suho: I'm going to make her mine tonight

You start to worry and the song ends


Taemin: y/n come here

You: what do you want I'm dancing

You: you don't even see what your doing. Your becoming an easy target for all the drunk guys in here

You look around to see plenty of guys looking at you a few you even knew

You: I will be more careful so don't worry

Taemin: I'm always worried about you since the day we met. I was worried you would leave me and yesterday i was worried that you wouldn't listen to me and cut me out for good

You: I don't understand where would i even go

Taemin: you are so pabo what i'm saying is

Chaeyoung: y/n let's dance to this song you know it right

I looked back at taemin

You: I will be back try not to worry

Taemin: have fun and be safe

You let Chaeyoung pull you away to the dance floor and start letting loose. By the end of the song you were tired and sat down. Guys on guys offered to buy you drinks taemin shot everyone of them down. But you still had gotten drunk with your friends. Soon it was really late the night was over. You were so tired and your feet blistered. When you stood up to leave your feet wouldn't support you so you close your eyes expecting pain of a fall. But instead you feel a warm arms around your waist. Slowly you open your eyes to see taemin.

You: w...what a...are you doing

Taemin: keeping you from being easy prey… who bought you all these drinks.

You: e...everyone

Taemin: that's it, I'm taking you home

You: w...where i...is Key h...he was

Just realizing he's been gone all night

Taemin: he left while you were dancing said he had something to do and for me to take you home

You: since when do you listen to him

Taemin: I don't listen to him but when you are dressed so sexy and sloppy drunk and have made yourself prey i couldn't leave you to the dogs

Did he call me sexy… maybe I'm dreaming

You: can you let me go

He let's go but a sharp pain is too much and you almost fall he catches you again

You: give me a second

Taemin: what are you doing

You take off the heels

You: this feels so much better

Taemin: no way put them back on. What if you step on something

You: do i really have to please

Taemin: put them back on

You: you can't make me

Taemin: stop being childish

You start to walk out of the club

Taemin: fine you asked for it

He picks you up bridal style from behind

You: hey wait put me down stop for real

Taemin: are you blushing how cute

You: I'm not blushing d...don't tease me

No matter what you couldn't hide your pink cheeks

Taemin: can't let you walk home barefoot so i will just carry you

-time skip-

He had walked you all the way to your front door

You: I can take it from here

Taemin: are you sure

you: yes put me down

Taemin: you have sobered up

He slowly put you down but as soon as you touch the ground you fall

You: ahh

Taemin: are you okay

He picks you back up and takes you inside

You: you can just put me on the couch

He slowly places you on the couch

You: I'm sorry this is really embarrassing. I knew the heels were a bad idea. I shouldn't have gone all out.

Taemin: yeah it was a bad idea

You: i just shouldn't have listened to Key… when he just left me in the end

Taemin: don't worry about him

You: how can i not… he dragged me out there and we didn't get even one dance

Taemin: it's fine sit down and i will get your slippers and the first aid kit

After a few minutes he came back

Taemin: let me see your feet

Reluctantly you gave him your foot.

Taemin: why didn't you stop sooner if you felt the pain why keep dancing

You: I don't know

Taemin: you should still take care of yourself

You: okay okay your starting to sound like my appa

You realize what you said

Taemin: well i can't help but tell the truth

You: well stop talking like that appa

Taemin: don't call me that

You: what's wrong Tae appa appaaa

He leaned in and kissed you. It wasn't long but it was passionate. He slowly pulled away but didn't move far

Taemin: I'm sorry y/n I tried to tell you to stop but you didn't

He looked you in the eye and then began to lean in again

You: s...stop. y...you j...just k...kissed m...me w...why

Taemin: pabo it's because I love you y/n. I have ever since we've been kids nuts right. I was so afraid to tell you because it would ruin everything

You: B...but T

Taemin: you don't have to answer but can i kiss you again… for the last time

What's happening y/n… he loves me but we are childhood friends... he kissed me and wants to do it again. What do i do if i say yes then will i be telling him I love him… Do I love him… I mean i do but like that… Slowly his face comes closer, giving you a deep kiss sending your mind blank. Grabbing your waist he pulls you closer deeper.

You: mhm Tae