I Don't Need Anyone Else

You woke the next morning in a state of panic. Oh no what did i do. I made such a mistake last night. Why did i ever let Taemin take me home. Or even go out last night with Key... You thought back to last night looking at the ceiling

You: mhm T...tae

You moaned between kisses. His hand going up your leg drawing circles causing you to let out a loud moan

Taemin: if you keep moaning I won't be able to stop y/n

He sucks and leaves kisses on your neck looking for your sweet spot. It would definitely leave a mark but the ecstasy was too good. After he found it he drove you even more crazy. You grabbed onto his arms

You: tae ahh tae min-ah

You felt him smirk and suck even harder. You were a moaning mess

Taemin: let's go jagiya

He picks you up carrying you to your bedroom not breaking the kiss

You: oppa-ah-ahh

He sits you down on the bed slowly unzipping your dress. He gave you butterfly kisses across your shoulders. When it was fully off he pushed you back climbing on top of you kissing your stomach.

Taemin: I don't think that I can hold back anymore

You: then don't

You wanted him so bad at this point. He looked you in the eye

Taemin: you don't even know what your asking for

He starts kissing you rough biting your lower lip and taking off your bra. He started sucking and massaging your breasts

You: mhm-ah tae-ah mmhm

You bite your lip

Taemin: don't bite your lip your gonna hurt yourself

He licked them trailing to your ear

Taemin: and I want to hear you moan telling me how good I make you feel… until you can't take the pleasure

He bit the lobe kissing down your neck and stomach reaching your panties. Sliding them down kissing your inner thigh. Moaning even deeper with great pleasure.

Taemin: yes moan just like that

He stuck a finger in your womanhood. You felt it stretch arching your back. He began pumping it in and out.

You: t..t..tae n..no s..stop please… stop-ah

Taemin: what's wrong

He asked in a deep voice adding another finger going faster

You: tae… i.. Can't take it anymore

He went even faster curling them up… your legs began to shake

You: ah yes

He began to suck on your clit

Taemin: let it out cum for me

Heat built in your core… you tried to hold back your stomach curled in pain. But that pain only added to your ecstasy driving you to the edge causing you to scream. Body shaking you let it go. He kissed up your body giving you a peck on your lips

Taemin: how do you feel

You: good

He kissed you even deeper sticking his tongue in your mouth.

Taemin: i want you so bad right now… can i

He kissed your neck again

You: yess

He stands up quickly. Taking off his shirt and pants. Leaving him in his boxers. His bulge showing greatly. He crawled onto the bed kissing you.

Taemin: you don't have to worry I will make sure it doesn't hurt

But the bulge was so big. Surely it won't fit

Taemin: as long as you trust me… or I can stop if you change your mind

You: no i want you tae… no i need you

Your hand trails from his neck, down his chest, across his abs, all the way to his manhood he let out a deep bellowing moan. That made you wet

You: do you like that

You kiss his neck.

Taemin: y/n-ah

You rubbed even faster. He moans louder… he then grabbed your wrist pinning them above your head. He grinned into you

Taemin: i can't wait any longer

He pulls off his underwear. Going back over you he kissed you. Tears fall down your cheek. Pain flows through you as he slides himself into you.

You: taemin

He kissed you again and again all over. Your face, your neck, chest.

Taemin: just a little bit longer and it will be over

He gave you a deep kiss… the pain slowly subsided.

You: tae..ah...ah...ah

He thrust slow it began to feel better and better

You: taemin

He thrust faster

You: deeper

You moaned. He spreads your legs going deeper

You: ah

Your walls clings to his member. You wrapped your your legs around his waist clawing at his back

Taemin: don't come just yet

He speeds up going inhumanly faster making you arch your back. He dug his face in your neck. You let out a moan in his ear. But then pleasure shots through your body like every nerve had been touched.

Taemin: looks like i found your g-spot

You: tae-ah please i'm close

His thrusts became sloppier and unsteady he was close. As you reached your climax you feel a warm liquid fill you so much it spills out. Taemin rode out your orgasm. He then dropped beside you.

Taemin: are you okay

He pecked cheek breathing hard

You: i… I'm fine

Taemin: y/n i love you so much, I've always loved you. You mean everything to me… i want to be all you need. I could be your new family to make up for your loss… but if you don't want me and would rather have key i understand. Just let me keep being by your side

You start to cry, tears falling down your face… he pulls your body close

Taemin: it's okay you don't have to answer me

You: I don't need anyone else

You fall asleep crying in his arms

End of flashback

You: why did i cry why did i tell him I didn't need anyone else… I was still drunk

Wait where the hell is he… you look around the room… there was a note

Taemin: y/n i'm sorry about last night… I figured you would need some time to think over what happened last night. I will see you at school love you if it's still okay to tell you that

At least he doesn't feel any different then last night. But I still feel the same… wait school. You look at the clock. Shit I'm late. You jump out of bed and start getting ready.

You hop on the motorcycle and drive to school.

Wendy: there you are y/n we were waiting for you.

You: oh hey guys

Everyone was standing waiting for you

Seulgi: what happened to you

You: huh

Onew: looks like she was busy

Minho: you mean getting busy

Wendy: so who was the lucky guy

You were so confused until yeri pointed at your neck

Yeri: you have a hickey right there

You: ah no don't look

Onew: looks like we were right

Minho: share in the details

You: perverts it's not what you think

Minho: just tell us what happened

You look at Key and he looks sad and hurt but also angry and Taemin looked guilty

Onew: why are you so quiet Key and Taemin maybe it was one of you.

They both looked at each other

Minho: he was just kidding but your both so serious. I think it was

Chaeyoung: come on y/n let's get that covered you can't walk around school with a hickey the things people will say or think

She looked at the boys


I was waiting for y/n so apologize for last night but her friends showed up.

Yeri: hey Key

Key: hey

Onew: are you waiting for someone

Key: y/n

Minho: really why

Key: why do you care we aren't even friends

Onew: your still mad about the first few weeks of school.

Key: you are Taemin's goons

Minho: we are our own people. We don't have a problem with you. Your not that important.

Onew: speaking of taemin where is he

Chaeyoung: we haven't seen him since last night

Seulgi: when he took y/n home

Minho: she was a mess

Onew: i don't remember her ever being so lightweight with alcohol

Chaeyoung: you are right she even hurt herself right

We talked for a little bit.

Taemin: hey sorry i'm late i missed my few alarms

Wendy: it's fine join us we are waiting for y/n

Taemin: waiting for y/n… why would you do that

Key: i was waiting for y/n

He looked at me upset

Taemin: I don't think I want to

Minho: just stay with us

Onew: you guys are still fighting

Taemin: why would we be fighting

Seulgi: don't be so offended

Wendy: have a seat with us

Taemin: fine

I sit next to them.

Yeri: hey there is y/n now… hey y/n

She turned to us and there was a hickey on her neck. She didn't even care enough to cover it or she didn't know about it… what happened to you last night

You: I need to go

She had finally looked at me… regret in her eyes… she knows about it. Why would you do this to me… they said tae brought her home he had to have done this… ass he isn't any good for her… she left with the rest of the girls

Onew: taemin you brought y/n home last night right

Taemin: oh yeah I guess i did

Minho: did anything happen between the two of you when you dropped her off

Taemin: no...no um nothing happened when I was uh there

Onew: then was it there before you dropped her off

Taemin: I didn't see it but it's possible

He sucks at lying

Onew: what's wrong Key

Minho: do you know something

Onew: was it you

Key: no it wasn't

I said very bitter

Minho: he sound honest. So if it wasn't him then who

I began to walk you away

Onew: where are you going

Key: class

I began walking away to class. Not half way into the school i was called after

Taemin: key wait

Key: you what did you do to y/n

Taemin: I don't have to explain anything to you

Key: you gave her a hickey and did something else to her. admit it

Taemin: i love her… I always have and i'm not letting her go… I'm sorry but you can't have her she is mine… you should move on

Key: you bastard

Your anger was rising he did do it. You swing and hit him in the face.

Taemin: I'm not gonna hit you back out of respect for y/n

Key: if you really respect her you wouldn't have taken advantage of her when she was drunk

Taemin: i didn't

I began to swing and tackle him. He begins to fight back. We fall to the floor. Every time I think of them together and him on top of her I get angrier. You punch him in the face harder and harder. Until someone pulls you back

Minho: yah key get off of him

Onew: what has gotten into you

Yeri: what the hell do you think your doing

You couldn't stop… it hurts even more… how could they be so stupid how could she be so stupid why does she like him.

y/n: what are you doing

I freeze her voice was calm. As I looked at her Taemin pushed me off. She stared at me sadness in her eyes. She then looks at taemin

y/n: why are you fighting

Teacher: I would like to know the same thing. Y/n, Taemin, Key my office now

Key: fuck

Teacher: watch it your already in trouble

y/n pov

As you walked to the office you kept staring back and forth between Taemin and Key. why did they fight. Why am i involved in anything they do

Teacher: care to explain the fighting now

I look at the floor

Teacher: every time Taemin you get in a fight it involves y/n.You think fighting can protect y/n. She is a good girl despite the sometimes bad attitude. Last year I couldn't imagine you turning out like this. In a year everything has changed. I would never imagine why you are getting caught up like this.

Taemin: she wasn't apart of the fight. She didn't do anything wrong please

Teacher: would you let me finish. y/n i know you stopped the fight that's why I called you here. So you are not gonna get in any trouble.

Taemin: thank you

The teacher raised his eye

You: can we talk later i don't feel good

Teacher: okay go to class we will talk later

You leave the office but look back at Taemin… he wouldn't really fight for no reason so why did the fight