Not Her Fault

y/n pov

As you walked to the office you kept staring back and forth between Taemin and Key. Why did they fight. Why am i involved in anything they do

Teacher: care to explain the fighting now

I look at the floor

Teacher: every time Taemin you get in a fight it involves y/n.You think fighting can protect y/n. She is a good girl despite the sometimes bad attitude. Last year I couldn't imagine you turning out like this. In a year everything has changed. I would never imagine why you are getting caught up like this.

Taemin: she wasn't apart of the fight. She didn't do anything wrong please

Teacher: would you let me finish. y/n i know you stopped the fight that i assume is about you. So you are not gonna get in any trouble. If you just tell me why your apart of it this time. And hope to god its not because someone made you upset or i might have to expel Taemin

The teacher raised his eye

You: can we talk later i don't feel good

Teacher: what's wrong is

You: i don't know

Teacher: why don't you head back to class and rest. I will get you if we need to further

You leave the office but look back at Taemin… he wouldn't really fight for no reason so what the hell are you doing now.

Heading back into the classroom everyone was staring at you. You just sat in your seat and put your head down.

Minho: so what your just gonna sit there and act like nothing happened

You just take a deep breath and close your eyes trying to block them out

Onew: yah we are talking to you. You're not gonna go back to your shut down phase we are past that

minho: We are not gonna leave you alone until you tell us what went on in there.

your breathing got uneven you couldn't tell if you vision fading was just shadows or if it was really happening.

Minho: yah we are talking to you

he pushed your shoulder...

Onew: i can't beileve you have both fighting over you and your gonna act like it is not your fault

Wendy: why don't you lay off her and its not her fault

Minho: sure its is she is playing both sides

Seulgi: watch your mouth y/n would never do that she is a good person with a good heart

Onew: right and that's why they are fighting over her because she is to good to choose leading both on.

wendy: say one more thing like that and i will...

They just yelled over each other like you were not there. That was until you stood your chair scraping on the ground and everyone looked at you and taemin's friends back up

You: What do you people want from me... You want me to admit that they fought over me... fine they did... You want me to admit that they both like me... fine they do... or how about I was with taemin last night... because i was... it was all true... but don't think for a second i wanted any of this... i didn't ask for key to be my friend... i didn't ask taemin to be by myside... i didn't ask to be this shell after my family died... its not my fault...

the pain in your stomach intensified you leaned over your desk. you felt sick

Taemin: y/n

you looked back at the door way. where the teacher and the two boys stood.

Taemin: are you okay y/n... you don't look well

He tried coming to your side but you pushed his hand away he looked hurt

you: I'm fine

Key: you don't look fine

he didn't look up from the floor

you: i don't need any of your concerns... stop caring both of you

the class went silent

teacher: why don't you go see the nurse

taemin: i will take you

you: didn't you hear me stop caring and leave me alone

You walked away to the nurses office hitting his shoulder. when you got in you curled on your side in the bed tears in your eyes

nurse: do you need anything y/n

you: no i should be fine after a little rest

nurse: okay tell me if you need anything

She went back to her work you let the tears fall crying in the bed until you fell asleep. when you woke you felt like you were being crushed.

you: hmm what the hell

you looked next to you and it was Taemin. He seemed to have been asleep with his arms wrapped around you. So tight you could barely breath.

you: get off me

You try and push him away but he tightens his so incredible grip.

you: gah

taemin: a few more minutes

you pinch his arm

taemin: ah ah okay okay im letting go

he loosens up and you push him away. he ends up falling on the floor.

taemin: what was that for

He jumps up and looks at you.

you: what are you doing here... i told you to leave me alone

taemin: uh when class ended i came to bring you your stuff

you: you could have dropped it off and left... why were you in the bed

taemin: i was sitting next to you waiting i must have fell asleep

you rolled your eyes standing up

you: i said i want nothing to do with you or key... so why would you stay

taemin: y/n you know how i feel about you

you start walking away

taemin: where are you going

you: home

you leave the office and he follows you

you: i don't need your help getting home...

taemin: i just want to make sure you are safe

you: i brought my bike

he looked at your motorcycle

taemin: do you think we could talk then

you: we have nothing to talk about

you jumped on it but he grabbed your keys

you: i'm not playing give me my keys and leave me alone

taemin: not until you tell me why you are acting like this

you: like what

taemin: distant last night you said you loved me that you didn't want me to leave

you: i was drunk

taemin: i don't believe that... I know you which mean i know you tell the truth while drunk

you: you don't know me you knew the old me i am different

taemin: no you are not... you want to pretend to be different but secretly acting like an ass hurts you... you just want someone by yourside and tell you they love you

you: i don't need anyone to love me...

taemin: no matter how you feel i love you

you: don't

taemin: why cause your scared im gonna leave you... i won't

you: my parents didnt think they would leave me but they died... you don't know that and i wont risk it

taemin: i will for you... i will follow you until you get tired of me and give in

you: taemin

taemin: i am serious i love you... and i won't leave you... i will do everything in my power to show you that and if that means i have to wait unti we are 120 old and dying then it will be a life well lived

you had tears in your eyes...

you: your a kid

taemin: no... i grew up the first time you cried in my arms after your family died so you could rely on me... so i could fight the battles you couldn't

he put his hand on your cheek making you face him

taemin: i love you

he leaned his face in kissing your lips soft... you wrapped your arms around his neck deepening it to the point you were suffocating... he lifted you off your bike and into his arms

you: what are you doing

taemin: taking you home

you: my bike

taemin: get it tomorrow

he starts walking away with you still in his arms... the next day at school you walked in and everyone was staring at you... slowly you were approached

wendy: how are you

you: better...

joy: we heard taemin and key's punishment is cleaning together after school

you: taemin told me

irene: your talking to him again

you: why wouldn't i be

minho: cause you yelled at him and key to stay away from you

onew: but we should have known that it wouldn't last

seulgi: taemin is very persistent

wendy: and y/n gives in to easy to him

minho: does this mean you will be friends with key

irene: or did taemin forbid you from him

you: he hasn't and even if he did when have i ever listened to him

taemin: it causes me to worry when she doesn't so why bother

i truned and he wrapped his arms around my waist

minho: looks like alot happened last night

you: nothing really we just talked

onew: you talked...

he raised his eye brows

you: yes we did

taemin: there is no need for the rest of that when she is already mine and no one can touch her

they all laughed... as i looked around i saw key walking past us... taemin took one look at him and then grabbed my hand

taemin: we should all get to class don't you think

irene: so you can cuddle in class

taemin: exactly you know me so well