Tell Me How Much You Missed Me

you walked into the class sitting next to taemin. the teacher seemed in a bad mood as he started the lesson. you couldn't help but look back at key every now and again... everytime you did he was staring at you.

taemin: can't you just pay attention to the front

he asked as you turned back around

you: i feel bad

taemin: don't he deserves it

you: how because he has feelings for me... no one deserves to be beaten up for how they feel

taemin: thats not why we fought we fought cause he got jealous and attacked me because he couldnt have you are you saying that its okay for anyone that can't have you beat me up

you: someone needs to teach you a lesson

teacher: are you two doen disruppting my class yet

you look at the front

you: im sorry

he rolled his eyes. i look at taemin and he was ready to fight the teacher... what is up with him today... during break i talked to the girls

wendy: he is all alone

irene: maybe we should invite him over

joy: and have teamin kill us

seulgi: he is are friend guys... what do you think y/n

they looked at me

you: if he wants to come over he can... i won't stop him

the girls walked over there but cameback without him

you: what happened

seulgi: he said he needs his space

minho: or he is afraid that taemin will beat him up again

you: taemin won't lay a hand on anyone

taemin: how so

you: if you want to be with me no more fighting that is my rule

everyone laughed...

taemin: fine i won't fight

he pouted

onew: he is whipped

the class started again... soon it was lunch and we were walking out the room...

key: y/n can i talk to you

you looked back at him... taemin tried pulling you away but you stopped

you: yes we can

taemin: y/n you can't be serious

you: he is a friend... he has the right to talk to me if he wants

taemin: then i will come

you looked at key then back at taemin

you: just have lunch i will be there soon

taemin: how can i when you are gonna be alone with him

you: do you not trust me

taemin: i trust you with all that i am... i dont trust him

you kiss his cheek

you: then worry from the lunch room and tell me how much you missed me when you see me

walking in

you let go of taemin and followed key... he walked outside to the front of the school

you: what do you want to talk about

key: i though you wanted nothing to do with us and then you are with him

you: i was angry... my friends had just got in a fight

key: friends...

you: you are my friends

key: but if you still refer to him as a friend that means you don't fully like him that i have a chance

you: look key what i feel for him is complicated but i know i like him

key: but you don't know full right

you: well... yes but

key: then give me a chance... i am way better for you then him... all he does is cause you problems you said it yourself

you: that was a different situation

key: no its not it applies for everything he does... he isn't good for you

you close your eyes

key: and i am... can't you just see that... see me

you: key stop

key: i never will stop loving you

you looked at him in surprise

key: i love you y/n and have since the moment i first saw you... i know you feel it to why won't you just open yourself up to it

you: i have only had feelings for taemin

key: no you only choose to because you are afraid of losing him cause he was there for you when your family died... that if you lose him you feel the pain of losing your family all over again he is a crutch... he is keeping you weak... i can help you get past it fully heal you if you give me a chance

he grabbed you hand slowly walking closer

key: i want what is best for you... don't you

i gulped

key: i care for you in a way he will never give me a chance please

he lifted your chin to look at him... his lips slowly meeting yours... you realized what he did and pushed him

you: don't kiss me

key: come on y/n you felt that how much you wanted me to kiss you... give in

he smashed his lips on you again... you tried pushing him away but that just caused him to grab your hands. and hold you still... when he finally let go of you something caused you to slap him

key: y/n

he held his cheek...

you: im sorry but you shouldn't have done that

key: i don't regret it

he stepped forward and you stepped back

you: what are you doing

key: don't you see how flustered you are y/n you liked it... no matter what you do i know you did your just afraid what taemin will say

taemin... he trusted you not to do anything

you: leave me alone or we wont be friends anymore

key: i don't want to be your friend i want to be your boyfriend your lover your future can't you understand that

he touched your shoulder

key: give in y/n

he stepped closer and closer... you needed to get out of there... you began walking away

key: comeback here

you took off in a full sprint not caring anymore

key: wait y/n stop

he screamed after you but that cause you to run faster you wanted to be far away from him and the school... you heard a horn looking up just in time to see a car coming at you

~screech~ baam~ thud~thud~boom

as it hit you at full force you rolled over the hood hitting the windshield and hit the ground. there was a moment of silence, extreme silence like a piercing sound in your ear silence. Your body hurt more than you could imagine... Everything becomes still and you just surrender yourself

you: mama