Making Me Wait


I was trying to get her to see how much I cared for her... why wouldn't she just see that i loved her more than taemin ever could... why couldn't she just see me... me the one who would never leave her side... I never thought she would run from me... as i chased her she ran right in traffic her face down... i saw the car first i called out to her to get her to stop but she didn't by time she saw the car it was to late... it hit her almost in slow motion i saw her fly off the car and hit the ground... i ran to her immediately

key: no y/n... y/n hey wake up I'm sorry just wake up please

the driver stepped out of his car

driver: i am so sorry... i didn't see her coming... that's a lot of blood

key: call for help now

tears ran down my face... you hold her close to your body... people began to stop and wrap around you... two people emerged from the crowd

Irene: key what happened to y/n

key: i don't know

onew: I'm gonna go get taemin

he ran through the crowd back in the building

taemin Pov

we sat in the lunch room eating... all i could think about was y/n and how she was with him... it took everything in me to sit still and not run after her. and they were not helping

Wendy: so what do you think they are talking about

minho: how he regrets letting taemin win the fight... begging her not to leave him again

joy: taemin did not win that fight... key was on top

they laughed and kept talking

minho: it was a joke lighten up taemin

he elbowed me

taemin: something is wrong

they looked at me

joy: what

taemin: i don't know something doesn't feel right

my heart hurt and my stomach felt like i was on a roller coaster

minho: its just cause you are missing y/n she was right

taemin: its something else

you got a chill down your spine...

seulgi: calm down y/n will be fine... they should be returning any moment... you sent irene and onew to check

my heart just couldn't take it...

~screech~ bam~thud~thud~boom~

we all looked at each other

minho: wow taemin you can tell the future

joy: that sounded like a car crash

Wendy: but how i=did taemin know it would happen

they stared at me

seulgi: that is so freaky... you have powers

they all laughed... but i still felt the feeling it was even worse now... time passed when the cafe doors slammed open and onew ran in

onew: tae... tae...tae

he was breathing hard pulling on my shirt getting me up

wendy: what is it where is irene you didn't leave her did you

he was breathing to hard to tell what he was saying... he must have sprinted here... i grabbed his shoulder

taemin: you went to check on y/n what happened

onew: y/n... she... she

minho: speak what about her

onew: y/ blood... lots of blood

taemin: she was in the crash

onew: yes

my heart shattered into a million pieces... i couldn't process it was to much....

taemin: she was hit by a car

tears fell down my face... key what the hell did you do... taking off you run to the front of the school

minho: hey wait for us

wendy: taemin

onew: i don't think i can run back

joy: come one we have to follow him to make sure he doesn't kill key

your pov

you cameback... your vision blurry throat dry you haven't felt this since your families car accident...

key: your back hey y/n stay with me... okay don't go back to sleep

irene: y/n im hear to can you hear us

key: y/n you have to stay awake

irene: taemin

taemin he is here... he can't see me like this it will break his heart

you: t..t..

taemin: no don't speak y/n

you felt a tear on your face... im gonna die...mama...

you: tae

taemin: i am here okay i won't leave you i promise

you drifted back hearing sirens blaring

taemin pov

i took her from key... she was caked in blood how could this have happened

ambulence: everybody needs to back up

two men took her lifting her placeing rags on the back of her head... they will save you y/n

ambulence: we need to get her to the hospital now she has lost alot of blood

taemin: can i come

they took one look at me

taemin: i am the only family she has

ambulence: hurry

they rushed me in the car and took off speeding faster than y/n has ever gone on her bike... i grabbed her hand..

taemin: please y/n you have to make it... don't eave me i just got you

a machine began beeping... the man pushed me back

ambulence: she is flat linning starting cpr

after a few minutes her heart beat returned but they kept her on the breathing tube

taemin: y/n hold on please

we got to the hospital and they wheeled her in... i was stopped

nurse: no nonpersonel

taemin: no i can't leave her side

nurse: she will be just fine the doctors are working on her

taemin: you don't understand she won't get over this again

i crumbled onto the ground... after hours of crying in the waiting room alone your friends ran up

irene: taemin what is happening where is y/n

everyone hugged me asking question

onew: yah taemin snap out of it and talk to us

he pushed me and i looked up

taemin: when did you guys get here

minho: tell us what is happening with y/n already

you began to cry

wendy: hey its okay...

taemin: she flatlined twice on are way here... they took her and i havent heard any news... i don;t know if she is alive or...

i broke down crying again

taemin: i can't lose her

joy: y/n will never leave you...

minho: you just found eachother again you will have many years together this is not the end she is strong...

i cried tears never stopped. the door opened and i looked up

taemin: doctor how is she

doctor: she is in critical condition... it is more stable then when she came... she is also awake we want to do surgery but

taemin: but what

doctor: she is refusing help

minho: can a patient even do that

doctor: when conscious yes but as soon as she is not we make the choice best for them

taemin: what is i say do the surgery since i am taking care of her

doctor: you are both minors it would have to be her parents

wendy: they are dead

doctor: then her guardian

taemin: my parent's but they are out on business

doctor: we are back to her say

aish why is she being like this can't she just get the surgery what is going through her head... my eyes widened

taemin: can i see her

doctor: what

taemin: i want to see her... i need her to get that surgery

doctor: since she is in waiting i guess but she is still in a lot of pain speaking can...

taemin: it will be quick

he nodded his head and took me to the back where y/n was... she was looking lost into space

doctor: miss y/n you have a visitor

she didn't look at me

doctor: you have 5 minutes

he left the station... i walked and stood next to her

taemin: look at you y/n...

tears came to my eyes... she closed hers

taemin: why are you refusing help... y/n

y/n pov

i laid on the bed i could see my mother laughing and my father smiling... my brother cringing as they kissed... i miss you guys

taemin: look at you y/n

i closed my eyes hard trying to hold on the picture of them

taemin: why are you refusing help... y/n

tears welled up... im sorry taemin but i want to go home

taemin: are you gonna leave me alone... are you gonna break my heart after you made me promise not to leave you you're gonna leave me

its not on purpose but i cannot do this any longer...

taemin: i get it you miss your family but don't you think they will be disappointed in you when they see you... how you just gave up on those that were still here that still love you... you survived the only one to i get it but you can't waste it you have to be live for them. for your little brother who was way to young to know what death meant or your parents who had so many hopes and dreams for you until their last breath... you can't die until you fill their wish... you have to grow up and live a life that make you happy...

my heart ached... mama... daddy... brother

taemin: you want to be selfish fine be selfish but that means you have to live... i don't care if you push me away as long as you live y/n so look at me... look at me

he screamed causing you to open your eyes and look at him...

taemin: i love you...

he was crying

taemin: and it scares me that you would be willing to die and leave me behind but still i love you... can't you just try and love me back...

you inhaled deep pain shooting through you again

you: what if i don't wake up from the surgery taemin

he looked at you and laughed

taemin: you will cause you're lucky... you woke the first time and you woke now so i trust that you will wake again

you: what if my luck has run out and 2 was the limit

taemin: then you have my luck and mine never runs out

you: im not joking

taemin: neither am i we found each other y/n that made me the luckiest person in the world and i would give it up for you... get the surgeries and the wake up to me by your side...

you: okay... okay

he cried holding your hand... it hurt but you didn't want to let him go...

doctor: we are prepped for surgery we need to take her now

taemin whipped his face and then yours

taemin: don't be afriad

they wheeled you out into a shinny room... they then put a mask on you

nurse: count back from 10 sweetie

you: what

nurse: count

you: 10...9....8....7

the lights blurred

taemin pov

i walked back to the waiting room they were still there

irene: what happened

taemin: she is getting the surgery

wendy: thank god

they held each other

minho: your parents called you should call them back

taemin: later

i smiled and sat back down... it was well into night when the rest of them left a nurse came and told me i could leave as well but it didn't feel right leaving her... i was sitting in the room by myself when my phone rang.

taemin: hello

mom: taemin thank god why didn't you call us back

hearing her voice

taemin: mama

i started crying

mom: hey hey taeminnie don't cry okay

taemin: i was so close to losing her today

mom: i know but your bond with her is something i have never scene... not even death can separate you... your love for that girl is to no ends... you would do anything for her... me and your father know that... it the main reason we agreed to be her guardians besides her parents wishes we didn't want to split you two up...

taemin: what if she doesn't feel the same about me

mom: not possible... before the crash she was crazy about you she wanted to take you from me

taemin: mom

mom: a mother knows when its a good thing or a bad thing when a girl wants to take their son away... y/n was a good thing so i was willing to give you up... after the crash when she wanted nothing to do with you and i had to hear you cry in your room i thought who does she think she is to hurt my babies heart... but then i noticed that she loved you in a different way from when you were kids...

taemin: how so

mom: it was little things... she would tell me and your father when you got introuble cause you had the school keep it from us... she would help make dinner and it would always be your favorite things... she would do your homework... or cover for you when you didn't come home... she was protecting you... in anyway possible... i knew she didn't want to lose you... i know its hard now but she has a lot more of protecting to do so don't worry and just stay by her side and protect her...

i hung up the phone... protect her... i have been trying but failing... i need to take a drastic step... i called the one person who i could think of

taemin: where are you at

?: home

taemin: meet me at the hospital


i waited outside of the hospital until he showed up

taemin: what the hell did you do

key: it was an accident

taemin: i almost lost her she is the only thing that means anything to me and it was an accident

i punched in the jaw... he stood up doing nothing

taemin: don't lie to me... y/n was always careful in everything she did she lived a safe life full of caution... for me so i wouldn't worry... how did she end up getting hit by a car

key: i kissed her... okay...

i clenched my jaw

taemin: you kissed my girlfriend

key: she slapped me afterword

taemin: and that makes it okay

key: no it will never be okay and i may never be able to tell her I am sorry

taemin: you're gonna be sorry alright cause if she dies you are gonna have to live with the guilt that your the reason she is dead... and i am gonna watch you wallow and when you can't take it anymore and decied to kill yourself... i am gonna save you just so you can suffer knowing i saved you after you killed the love of my life

he started crying...i turned and walked back in the hospital

taemin: so you better pray that she lives for your sake

your pov

everything was feeling fuzzy but the pain was clear... you eye felt like a ton of bricks so you couldn't even open them. but one thing was clear you survived the surgery you felt relief yet sad

taemin: when are you gonna comeback to me... how long are you gonna make me wait

you could hear taemin's voice and knowing that he was there made you feel better

taemin: you should have woke by now the doctor said so himself its been 3 day since the surgery... how could you make me wait that long...

the sadness in his voice killed you

taemin: that doesn't matter... take all the time you need cause i love you and i am not going anywhere i promise...

i love you too

taemin: but you should hurry cause there is something i want to ask you... and i know it seems to soon and you can say no if you want... but i want to move in with you... we should get are own place together even if we are just in high school... cause i don't want you living in that house alone and i am pretty much alone already in my house... you got me okay. the real reason is cause i don't ever want to be apart from you not after this... i will never leave you side after this

it went silent and you felt his hand touch yours... the door then opened

nurse: how is the patient

taemin: she still hasn't woken up

nurse: no need to worry she is probably just resting

taemin: how much sleep does a person need

the nurse laughed

nurse: when the patient has been goign through mental problems it can take longer

taemin: so she is mentally hurt still

nurse: along with physically yes and emotionally yes...but she will be fine... she will wake up before you know it...

the door opened and shut again... we were alone

taemin: why would you be emotionally hurt huh... did that kiss with key mean something to you... don't think about him okay... i mean it put him out of your head... taemin... taemin is the one you love got it... aish this girl thinking about another man when i am right here

you could imagine him pouting you almost smiled

taemin: its my fault... i shouldn't have let you push me away i should have shown the world sooner that you were mine... because i have loved you before we even met. you are mine

it went silent

you: taeminnie

your eyes flew open like feathers but he had his head down asleep