Acting bossy all of a sudden

Not long after those families claimed their son or husband has been found; news about burning of properties will be heard. Which indicated that the new demons are testing their new found powers by going after people they are not in good terms with, causing trouble everywhere. She planned to start with them.

But at the same time, she needed to make sure Leo is safe. She decided not to tell Leo about who she Is for now until it's necessary. But having to keep him safe doesn't mean she planned to be soft with him. During the little time they met, Leo has taken advantage of her without him realising it, and she planned on making him pay for it in a harmless but provocative ways.


The next day at Leo's residence. He and Clara stepped out of his car and made their way in. Mick informed the workers he's around and went to welcome him.

Clara's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when she looked at Leo's face.

'What the hell! is this the same shameless man that was acting like a toddler the previous day?' she thought.

They were still chatting normally on their way to his place, but now he looked like someone that was about to pass a death sentence. He looked cold, scary and distanced.

If she did not witness his shamelessness the previous day and came straight to his place with him today, she would believe he's not the same person.

As they made their way further in, the workers had their head bowed down as usual while all the guards that were around everywhere then were nowhere to be found and Clara couldn't help but look around, to see if Sonya is at work, but she didn't see her. She looked disappointed but quickly shook her mind off it.


getting to Leo's study.

Mick looked at Clara and look back at Leo with a confused expression. Leo understood immediately and explained.

"Clara here will be my personal bodyguard from now on, Clara this is Mick." Leo said facing Clara. He did not say more than that.

The man that was ranting about how beautiful she was and all the other day, now become a man with few words.

Clara nodded her head to greet Mick. She has learned from Leo that Mick has been responsible for taking care of him since the accident.

He was a father, a mother and a butler to him. When it comes to parent activities; he acted accordingly and when it comes to his work, he did it with perfection.

Mick stared at Clara again, "personal bodyguard?" he asked looking back at Leo.

Unlike Tim and Ella, he has only dated one woman in his life, and after he found out the woman was someone his uncle set up with him as a spy; he has always distanced himself from women except Ella, being his childhood friend.

The woman was set up as a spy and ended up falling in love with Leo. She felt guilty and wanted to tell him but was scared and kept on dating him, keeping it a secret. 

When Jerry gave her a mission to kill Leo; she couldn't take it anymore and explained how she has been deceiving him but did not disclosed she was told to kill him. 

When Leo heard her story, he felt hurt and betrayed by her. He broke up with her and ever since then; he kept his distance from women. Mick is finding it difficult to believe he chose one as his bodyguard. 

"Yes! I have my reasons." Leo replied and changed the topic, "where are the boys?" He asked.

"I've passed your instructions to them, and they've been training non-stop since then." Mick explained. 

"Ok, I will go and check on them, please prepare a place for Clara. she will be staying here, and take her out for some shopping later. Let her get everything she wants.

I need to train with the boys and may return late. I will find you when I come back, and Clara" he said and faced Clara, "your work starts tomorrow." He added.

When Clara heard his words, she nearly rolled her eyes. If not for Mick that was present, she wouldn't be so polite. 'Look at him acting bossy all of a sudden. Where is the please I need your help and his previous pitiful expressions?' she thought and give him a wicked smile which only him saw, and said in a professional tone, "okay boss!".

'If he really think I will treat him like others do, then he should dream on.' She thought.

Leo was taken aback by the smile and felt threatened by it, but did not show it.

Mick didn't seem to understand what he meant by whenever he needed her but still nodded his head in agreement and asked Clara to follow him. 

During all this, Mick has forgotten to inform Tim that Leo is back.