Oh! my goddess Is here

Sonya was seen in a daze inside her room. Since three to four days now; she doesn't seem to understand herself anymore, as she felt like she forgot something important to her. 

When she went out to get something; someone asked her about her pretty friend, and she does not understand them. 

She couldn't recall any friend.


At Gregory's side, one of his demons in human form came in.

"How did it go?" Gregory asked.

"I followed her as you instructed. The human is strange, while walking on the road, she shed tears, and the funny part is how she touched her tear and looked surprised as if it doesn't belong to her." The guy reported.

"You have done well, go now." Gregory said, and the man bow before walking out.

"As expected of a pure soul being, even after losing her memory; her body still reacted." Gregory said and smiled.


The next morning. Tim made his way to Leo's place as soon as he left the airport. On his way, he decided to call Mick to confirm how far about their search. 

"Hello!" Tim said as the call got connected.

"Hi" Mick replied to the man and recalled that he did not inform him about the fact that Leo is back.

"How far with the search? is there any clue?" Tim asked with worry.

"He's back," Mick replied 

"Is he hurt? what happened?" Tim asked.

"He has been back since yesterday. He said he went to get someone and there is nothing wrong with him."

Tim disconnected the call out of anger.

Not long after, Tim appeared at Leo's mansion. Immediately Mick saw him approach; he was shocked and rushed over to him.

"Don't bother to say anything because I won't listen. If he is completely fine then I will make sure he won't be fine for the next two weeks." Tim said.

"It's my fault. I should have informed you that he's back since yesterday." Mick tried to reason with him. He knew how the two boys are. Whenever they had a misunderstanding, they usually sort it out with their fists.

If Tim goes to Leo now; he would drag him to the training base in the residence to vent out his anger and that might be bad because Leo has arranged for a live interview to go public in the following weeks, and it won't be good to show up with a rough face.

"Don't cover for him, we are both victims here. Did he inform you that he will be gone for good three days? I will make sure my money and worry would not be in vain,"Tim said as he rushed forward, while Mick followed behind, pleading with him.

As he gets closer to Leo study he began to curse out loud, "You bastard!, you had better come out right now before I get there and drag you out with force." 

He was being considerate. He knew Leo's condition, so he's shouting from a distance so that Leo will prepare himself since he plans on kicking the door opened and drag him out.

Meanwhile. Inside Leo's study; he was discussing his plans with Clara when he heard Tim's voice. 

He was shocked at first, because the last time Tim visited him at his office; he informed him that he will be going on a business trip for a while.

Then he thought of the possibility that Mick might have told him about his disappearance and knowing the kind of person Tim was; he might have returned back to help look for him.

'This isn't good.' he thought with a worried expression on his face. He might lose a tooth today, and his face won't go unscathed as well. As he was thinking, he suddenly stopped, looked at Clara and smiled. 'oh! my goddess is here, I almost forgot.' he thought and felt his nerves relaxed.

Clara shot him a disdain look. She has seen the worried expression on his face and how it transformed into a smile before looking relieved. The smile was so beautiful that it annoys her.

"Boss, I don't recall asking to see your ugly smile, please keep it to yourself." she said. Even though the smile is cute, she does not plan on praising him.

"Why do you address me as boss respectfully when you know your next words would be full of insults?" he asked,  but he was just saying, how could he dare get angry at his saviour. Because of her he would be able to secure his blood and handsome feature today.

Clara sneer and rolled her eyes at him,  "it seems someone knows you for who you are and needed to settle some scores; I will like to take my leave now and leave you to it." Clara said and stood up, turning to leave.

when she also heard Tim's voice, she was also worried at first but after concentrating at the surrounding, she felt no one with ill intention within the vicinity. So it's possible to be a normal misunderstanding.

"No! no! no!" Leo quickly stood up to stop Clara, but before he could say anything further, the door was kicked open by Tim.