

"Sister, can you please leave the female lead role for me?"

Anna widened her eyes in disbelief and Feng Anxi frowned. He could not hold the rage that was almost bursting out of him, "Woman, what did you just say?"

No wonder Anna looked the way she looked, if this was the kind of family member she had, how could she look good?

"What did you just say?" Anna asked as if she could not believe that something like that came out of Julia's mouth.

"Sister, you did not even audition for the role and you got it so easily. I spent my time trying it out and you just snatched it from me. This is not fair sister so please leave the role for me."

She was speaking as if the role was hers, to begin with, and Anna had snatched it from her.

Feng Anxi now full-on laughed out of anger. In front of him made their way towards them; Travis and chairman Lee. Anna was so shocked that she could not form words. She noticed her father consoling Julia into his arms.

Julia was now full-on crying, her tears wetting the front of her white Chanel dress.

"Julia…Julia…tell father who did this to you."

Anna's heart skipped a beat when he heard him say 'father'

Travis tried to calm the enraged father and led him to another room where the reporters could not see them. Julia was hiccupping while Chairman Lee shouted angrily

"Travis, I invested so much money into this film so that my daughter could be one of the main cast yet not only did she not become one, she even cried here, I want an explanation right now."

He was fuming so much that saliva was flying all over. Luckily, they were in a private room and no one else could hear them. Travis tried to explain but before he did, the door was opened by someone else and two people entered the room, it was Harry Lu and Lillian Ye.

Lillian's eyes also looked quite puffy and Harry was consoling her lightly. When he looked up, his eyes sent daggers across to where Travis stood. He also complained lightly, "I invested so much but my person only became the second lead. Can someone explain this to me?"

Anna was as rigid as stone. Her eyes grew cold and hatred flooded her heart.

On one side was her very own father consoling a daughter who was not even related to him and on the other side was her former fiancée holding the person who was once her best friend.

Her cold eyes darted back and forth. Travis was in between a rock and a hard place.

On one side was one of his dearest friends and on the other side were the main investors of his film. Truth be told, he had chosen Anna as the female lead long before.

He had once seen her acting at her former school. They held a theatric performance and her acting was so captivating that it reminded her of someone, General Rong.

He processed everything from the copyright of the book to the finances just so that he could let her shine.

He did not know it would turn out like this so he asked, "Then what should I do?"

His voice was thin, obvious of someone who was on his last straw.

The two investors shouted in unison, "We want you to replace the female lead."

"Replace her?" Travis asked in disbelief.

"What if I don't?"

Harry answered matter of factly, "I will withdraw all my investments."

Lillian, who was sprawled on Harry's chest smiled slyly in Anna's direction while Julia was fully gloating after her crying fit had ended.

Anna's heart which was cold became even colder. Her hands were tightly clenched into fists.

There was no coming back from this. With this role, she had put Travis in a tight spot and this made her heart heavy with guilt.

She wanted to tell him that it was okay but Travis spoke up before she did,

"I cannot do that. If you invested the money for other people's benefit then I don't need your money. I can always get other people to invest.

Besides, I really hate it when other people are unreasonable and they don't even see it."

These were quite the big words and everyone was momentarily stupefied. Before their shock waned, another voice fleeted behind them,

"Also, if she has to go then I go too."