Used Goods


"Also, if she has to go then I go too."

A voice fleeted behind them. They turned around and at the door stood Feng Anxi. His face was clouded in anger.

When they had left to go to the private room earlier, he had stayed behind to toast to some friends of his then he followed later. He stood at the door for a long time and heard the unreasonable requests the two grown men made.

In all honesty, Feng Anxi had never seen a second person that could act the way Anna did. They had met back in high school and both of them were members of the drama team. The first time he had seen her act, he was entranced.

Back then, she was very lively and they had pranked each other so much that they became friends later. He did not know much about her, but they became inseparable. She was so full of life.

Chairman Lee was her father, what sort of thing would make one own father treat her like this, her gloom probably came from this. And that Harry, he knew him but he did not know what sort of relations he had with Anna.

He had wanted to act with her and the two were petitioning for her replacement. Just who did they think they were?

He made his way to meet them.

Everyone looked shocked. Harry knew this was a good investment, the film would be popular no matter what but the sight of Lillian crying could not leave his mind no matter what. The same went for Chairman Lee.

Anna was stupefied. In all honesty, she had already expected something like this to happen but what she did not expect was that the two of them would come at her together; she was momentarily at a loss on what to do.

To see the two men who were not even related to her stand up for her like this filled her heart with warmth and sweetness.

Hearing Feng Anxi declaring that he would leave the film if she were to be replaced shocked her.

The two of them had not seen each other for a very long time and communication between them became bleaker and bleaker until they lost contact.

Back then, in order to be good in Harry's eyes, she even purposefully lost all contact with some of the most influential people in her life, how stupid she had been.

Both Chairman Lee knew and Harry Lu knew how good of an investment Feng Anxi was.

They had both wanted to scare Travis with the amount of money they had invested in his film so that he could throw Anna out.

Who knew that not only did Travis refuse, but Feng Anxi also came out of nowhere and declared he would leave if Anna left.

Harry Lu looked at the two who were now standing close to each other. His heart was wavering; he did not like their closeness at all.

He did not know what was happening to him since he saw Anna step into the doors as the female lead. The way that dress looked on her, even he, had to accept she looked heavenly.

Back then when they were still dating, Anna never wore such types of clothes and also never allowed him to touch her because she wanted to wait for their wedding night.

He had long since been annoyed by this attitude of hers so when Lillian opened up to him, he was entranced and fell for her forward attitude.

He had seen many pretty women but never one as beautifully fierce as Anna.

"Are you doing this to spite me? Anna, I said I was sorry back then, why must you do this?" Harry became unreasonable.

Anna scoffed. So Harry thought that she had come here only because she had grievances against him and not because of her talent. Why had she never realized that he could be this unreasonable?

"So what chairman Lu is saying is that I did this to spite you? Can you tell me why you think so?" Anna chimed.

Lilian creased her brows and said, "If not this then what. I know what I did was wrong but how can you be so cruel? If you want, I can give Harry back to you."

Why was everyone saying she was cruel just because she was the female lead? And also, return who to whom?

"I am sorry but I don't want used goods."