What In The World Did You Do To Me?


Ye Lillian did not know what had happened to her but she felt as if she could not look away from Lee Anna's eyes. It was as if an unknown force was pulling her towards the other. She was so confused that she did not even hear the director yell, 'Cut'

She only came back to her senses when Lee Anna suddenly let go of her waist and she almost fell to the ground if it was not for the two assistants rushing over and helping her.

"Ye Lillian, what is wrong? Your expression was not right for this scene." Director Zheng had already walked over and explained it to her once more.

Lillian was also confused. This was her first scene and she did not want to mess it up. She looked over at Lee Anna's side but the other had her head turned. She loathed the other with all he might.

Back then, he was jealous that she had everything. Her parents were quite well off and she was a pampered princess. She even had one of the most eligible bachelors in the capital as her fiancée.

Then one day Harry confided in her that Anna would not let him touch her. Ye Lillian sneered as she had gotten the loophole she had been targeting. She charmed her way into his bed. Things at home did not seem to go well for Lee Anna either as her parents separated and her mother even died.

She had lost everything in that short time so she wondered how she, Lillian Ye, could make a mistake in front of the other.

Feng Anxi was almost falling off his chair after laughing so hard. Lao Li had to hoist him up and then heard the young master saying, "So this was what she meant?"

In truth, Feng Anxi had also fallen for this trick a couple of times. The other was just too beautiful. Her eyes were alluring. Sometimes they were alert as a cat's and sometimes as pitiful as a puppy's, he had never won over both.

This was going to be a long day.

They did another take after the two actresses had rested for a while and the end result was…..


Yet another time….


The NGs were piling up one after the other. Lillian Ye felt as if her mental state was dwindling and stared at Lee Anna with eyes that were searing but Anna Lee looked back with a look that said, 'I have not done anything, don't look at me. It is you who is not good'

The laughter in her eyes made Ye Lillian mad while Anna was gloating inside. She looked toward Feng Anxi and the other sent her a secret thumbs up which almost made her burst out into laughter.

She was having fun yet she had just started.

Director Zheng felt a headache coming. He was known throughout the industry for his strictness. An actress had once said one line wrong yet she was immediately thrown out of the production team by him.

Lillian had already gotten three NGs which was his limit. The scene was simple. She had to act shocked. She had almost fallen to her death which meant that sock should come before infatuation for her savior yet for her the latter came first, which was wrong.

The only reason as to why he did not yell at her was because of the background that she had. The young master of the Lu family was her backer and also an investor which meant that he…..

Certain words were not meant to be said but could be understood.

After a ten minute break they came back again.

Lillian Ye looked much better than before yet when the scene continued she repeated the same mistake. Lee Anna did not even do anything this time round yet she blushed deeply on her own accord.

The result was…


After the take…



Director Zheng could not take it anymore; he had yelled so much that his throat was parched. Lillian Ye also seemed like he could not take it anymore. With her completely broken mental state, she marched off to find Lee Anna.

When she found her, she yelled

"Lee Anna, just what in the world did you do to me?!!!"