Because Of Your Terrible Acting


Lillian Ye stormed over to Anna Lee with her two assistants hot on her heels. Their faces held the same anger Lillian had. The scene was easy. Even they could act it out with their eyes closed yet not only had Lillian Ye who was a top star failed to pass, she even failed seven times!

The only explanation was that this Anna Lee had bewitched her!

"What did you do to me?" Lillian asked in an authoritative tone yet Anna just scoffed. Lillian was getting bolder and bolder just because she got some support by staring up at the ceiling.

Just who did she think she was?

"What did I do?" Anna asked in a bored tone. She was at the moment balancing a dried grass straw on top of her lips.

"Who are you pretending in front of?" one of the assistants started. Her face was fuming red as she continued, "If you did not bewitch sister Ye then how could she not pass that simple scene?" she continued defending Lillian righteously.

Anna laughed loudly, "Bewitched? I am sorry for the misunderstanding but you think too highly of me."

"You…" the assistant was seeing red. In her head, she thought, 'How could this lowly actress behave so high and mighty in front of sister Ye?'

The other assistant scoffed, "Who are you trying to fool. If it was not for your bad acting, how would sister Ye fail so many times."

Lillian Ye's face was terrible yet she was laughing gleefully on the inside. She had yet to say a thing yet her two assistants had spoken up for her. Anna on the other hand was laughing at the stupidity of these two people.

"Terrible acting? I am sorry but I was not the one who had bad takes. It is not like your eyesight is bad" She said matter of factly. Lillian Ye's face turned green in an instant.

"Anna Lee, who knows which tricks you used to get into this film, do you think you have the right to say the things you are saying?" Lillian was becoming unreasonable. The methods she was talking about she had already said once in that private room and it seems as if she was not tired of saying them.

Anna Lee heard this and then smiled slyly. In her head, she said, 'Lillian Ye, you really don't learn anything, do you? From now on I will show you what real bewitching means!'

Anna wanted to say something but one of the crew boys interrupted. "Lillian Ye, there is someone is here to see you." The young boy moved aside and at the end of that line stood Harry Lu with flowers in his hands.

He was dressed impeccably, probably from the office and his tie was a bit loose giving off a wildish charm. Coupled with that face of his, he looked incredible.

Except for Anna, the rest of the women who were on set had deep blushes on their faces. Lillian's white face regained some color. She glared at Anna Lee once more with a look that read, 'I am not done with you yet and then sprinted off into the arms of Harry Lu.

The flowers held a card which read, 'Congratulations on your first day of filming' and at the end of the card, two red hearts had been drawn.

Many people had clamored around them and some even gushed over them loudly. One of the extras said, "Wow! Sister Ye, your boyfriend really loves you very much. Teach me how to find a good man like him." The crowd that had gathered laughed when they heard this.

Lillian Ye was blushing deeply and her hands interlocked with Harry's tightly. Her gaze was directed towards Anna Lee and on her face, a smile bloomed. Anna laughed at this, who did she think these childish antics would scare?

Harry Lu on the other hand looked toward her unconsciously and was momentarily stunned. He already knew that she was beautiful but what he was seeing now was on another level. Even though she was dressed in male clothes, his heart could not help but beat wildly.

His attention was brought back by someone saying, "Brother Lu brought everyone snacks, please come over and pick."

It was Harry Lu's assistant Ke Ming