Thank you for today


Lillian Ye was becoming impatient. Anna Lee had gone to the bathroom a long time ago and was still not back. She had planned something together with her assistant. She did not know where the other had gotten the drug from but from what she heard, the love potency medicine was quite effective.

Just a small amount would make one behave like a dog on heat. She was already conflicted and disgusted by the other. All over the internet, the number one search was still Anna Lee's appearance at the conference that day.

Just the thought of it made her gnash her teeth in anger.

Anna on the other hand was still in the bathroom with Mo Xing waiting patiently by the door. The women who came to the bathroom watched him with skeptical eyes as if he was a pervert. Mo Xing just looked away and ignored those gazes.

Anna Lee was already quite sober from the soup that the stranger had given her. Her eyes gained sharpness and she felt lightness from the alcohol evaporating from her system.

She guessed that the stranger had left after sending her to the bathroom but was still stunned when she saw him waiting for her by the door.

He was wearing an impeccable suit. Anna had not really seen his face well due to her earlier drunkenness but now that her head was clear, she noticed that he was quite handsome. It was not the handsomeness that made someone gloat rather it was refined and mature.

Anna had seen quite a handful of handsome men but none quite like this. Harry Lu was also very handsome but his face still paled in comparison to the man standing in front of her right now.

His face was chiseled. His handsome brows were lifted in thought and his eyes although obstructed by the slight darkness, still shone like two twinkling stars. His lips were especially thin yet still supple. Anna became entranced.

His looks could destroy a nation!

Mo Xing turned around when he realized that someone was staring at him. His lips moved up ever so slightly into a dangerous smile, "Are you done?" he asked while he moved towards her.

Anna was brought out of her reverie and looked up. The man's eyes were very sharp but they held a subtle hint of gentleness. Anna Lee smiled, nodded, and then answered, "I thought you had left already."

Mo Xing only smiled lightly. "I thought you would need some help getting back so I stayed." He motioned for her to follow him as he spoke. Anna felt that this was quite kind of him, she walked slowly beside him and listened to him speak, "Which room were you in?"

"The hotel" She answered softly. Mo Xing did not speak again and only nodded his head. He then led her towards the hotel where the dinner was still going on. Soft music and giggles could be heard from inside which showed the mood inside the room.

Anna Lee turned around when she was at the entrance, "Thank you very much for today." Her head bowed down slightly. She was truly thankful she had met a complete gentleman today. Had she met one of those perverts then she doesn't know what could have happened to her today.

Mo Xing just smiled softly, "It is nothing. Just be careful next time and don't drink too much." He cautioned softly. Who knows what would have happened if it was not for him. He watched as the girl bowed once again to thank him, "Then…goodbye…" She said and then turned around to open the door.

"Goodbye…"Mo Xing also said softly then saw her open the door to enter. Zhou Feng who was on the side came closer to hand him a coat, "Sir… shouldn't you have said more?"

He was wondering why this boss of his just let the beauty go. He had seen the way he looked at her. He clearly liked her but still, let her go so lightly.

Mo Xing just turned around and said,

"What is the rush; we still have a lot of time."

Mo Xing then glared at the room deeply then turned around to walk away. He had finally remembered why she was familiar that day that she had crashed into his car. It was because they had actually met before.

Her drunken actions today had reminded him of that night when….