Do you know where I was?


As soon as Anna Lee entered the room, she trotted over to the place she was sitting before and plopped herself in one of the chairs. Before she left for the bathroom, she had left her glass on the table half-full with alcohol.

A waiter came toward her and asked to top her drink. His movements were swift and before Anna Lee could say anything, he had already added more alcohol into her glass. Anna felt that this was strange so she looked at Feng Anxi who was also looking at her.

Feng Anxi blinked his right eye towards her secretly. This was a secret signal language they used between them back when they were still in high school. They used it to notify each other of impending danger.

Anna thanked the waiter ever so enthusiastically and then stared down at the drink after he had left. Even though they were not easily visible, she still notices some particles floating by. Anna laughed. Judging by Lillian's methods, she guessed that whatever drug she had used was the best of the best.

Anna mentally clapped her hands towards Lillian's efforts. "Heh…you want to humiliate me? Let us see who will be humiliated today…"

She then took the drink and walked over to where Lillian was and when no one was seeing, exchanged the drink with the one the assistant had just placed down.

After doing that, she stood in front of Lillian and then said earnestly, "I enjoyed your performance today." She then took a big gulp of the drink in her hand. Lillian who heard this almost slapped her yet when she saw her drink without a hint of suspicion; she swallowed back her anger and smiled. "I am glad you liked it," she said between gritted teeth.

After saying that, Anna looked shocked as if a thought had suddenly come to her. In her peripheral view, she looked and saw that the assistant had picked up the drink and was gobbling up gulp after gulp. A strange smile appeared on her face.

Lillian Ye felt as if something was wrong but she did not know what. She looked at that strange smile on Anna Lee's lips and her own lips twitched yet she said mentally, "Just smile Anna Lee! You don't even know what is going to happen to you after this…"

Her lips also unconsciously rose up into a sinister smile. What she had planned today was to make Anna humiliated in from of everyone who thought so highly of her. When eavesdropping on her conversation with Director Zheng and Cheng Xingli, she heard the former say that she could even win the best actress award later.

That statement alone made her mad more than anything else. She had done everything to make sure everybody who loved Anna turned their back on her and now that the director thought so highly of her if she was humiliated in front of him then….

Anna Lee continued to smile and when she noticed that the assistant had finished her drink she said to Lillian, "These cheap tricks of yours….they will never end will they?" her tone was clear and Lillian felt her heart tremble.

A bad premonition arose in her heart. It was impossible that Anna had found out what she had planned. Anna looked at her panicked face and then laughed. She moved closer and whispered, "Before I came here do you know where I was?"

Her question was followed by a soft smile. The bad feeling in Lillian's heart rose steadily. It was as if the other had placed another enchantment on her that she could not speak yet Anna continued, "Leaving that aside….you actually dared to drug me? Lillian Ye, I am really in awe of your capabilities."

"You…you…you…" Lillian could only stutter like this. How had she found out?

"You should already know that these cheap tricks of yours can never work on me, after all, I am not that same girl you took advantage of some time back. I am curious about something….is this method the one you used back then to….."

Her words were not finished but Lillian got what she was implying. Her face twisted in anger. She was about to speak when a wail interrupted
