What did I just watch?


The scream was chilly but something was wrong with it. Everyone turned around towards the source of the sound and was stunned to see Lillian's assistant standing there in a daze.

Lillian Ye's face turned sharply towards Anna, "You…what did you do?"

So the bad feeling was from this, Anna had exchanged the drinks!

But when had she exchanged them?

The reason why the scream was strange was that it did not sound like that of a person in pain or in danger rather it sounded like that of someone in bed doing….doing….

Anna Lee looked at Lillian with a small smile. The smile was beautiful and exceedingly chilly and it did send chills down Lillian's spine, "Try this once again and the drink that will be exchanged will not be hers, do you understand me?" Anna then left after throwing those even chillier words.

Lillian Ye stood there in a daze, her face clouded in anger. The plan she had painstakingly planned was destroyed in one single move. She refused to believe that Anna Lee had known that she was planning to drug her which meant that someone from the inside had seen her, just who was it?

Lillian Ye turned around and scrutinized the crowd but before her face could land on the culprit at the corner, another wail sounded, this time it was even more obscene.

Lillian watched in horror as her assistant started fumbling with her clothes while screaming, "So hot…so hot,"

With each 'hot' that she said, she was attempting to remove a piece of clothing from her body while from her mouth came lewd sounds, "ah….ah…ah…aah…"

The assistant felt as if a fire was being ignited inside her body. That fire started as a small flame but now the flames had ignited her whole body into powerful flames. No matter what she thought, she felt that there was something missing from inside her body.

Her hand slowly glided towards a certain area down below her body and everywhere her hands touched, the flames inside her increased tenfold.

This was torture. Lillian Ye tried to pull her away but it seems that her strength had also increased, she thwarted her hands away so hard that Lilian almost fell down face-first.

Everyone in the room looked on, completely stunned. They were so shocked that they did not know what to do. Director Zheng's face on the other hand was clouded in anger. He turned to his assistant, "Who is that?"

The assistant, who was also shocked from watching a lewd scene live, turned around just as the lady was about to stuff her hands inside down below, "That is Lillian Ye's assistant"

Director Zheng looked angrily toward Lillian Ye.

Lillian on the other hand was busy trying to cover her assistant who was already half-naked. She was angry beyond words. She vaguely felt a stare and when she turned around, she noticed director Zheng staring at her. Her heart was beating madly.

It was not Director Zheng who was staring at her alone; everybody's eyes were on her and some of the gazes were filled with contempt while others were disgusted. She looked back at her assistant who was still affected by the effects of the drug, was this karma?

The assistant had previously said that this drug was the best of the best and with just one sip, one would be thrown into agony yet she had just drank the whole thing, the effect was not going to wear down soon so she thought of the only way to relieve the other off the drugs.

Before she could carry the assistant outside, she slipped from her hands and started running away. Lillian watched in horror as the assistant started following men around, her intentions obvious.

The assistant ran towards one of the male crew members and held onto him tightly, "Save…please save me…ah…ah…so….hot"

The male crew member almost ran away but the assistant clung tightly to him. Her hands fumbled all over his body and even threatened to touch that place on him. His eyes grew wide as saucers as he tried to stop those hands from wandering.

Luckily, the help Lillian had asked for finally arrived and they dragged the assistant away. Even from the hallways, one could still hear her lewd screams.

Nobody moved. Some people had on red faces while the older ones had on angry expressions.

Lillian had been humiliated so badly today that she also took her things in anger without saying anything and left.

One of the cast members who had just regained her wits turned around, "What did I just watch?"