Look good on you!


Anna met Bella at the entrance of the mall. The latter was wearing a very stylish dress while her hair was tied up in a simple bun. Anna now realized why Travis was head over heels with this woman. Bella was incredibly beautiful.

Anna came to know Bella when they were in high school. Bella was two years her senior and was at that time the make-up artist for the theatre club. Her job was excellent. Bella once saved her from some bullies and that was how the two of them became friends.

"Daaarling!" Bella shouted as soon as she saw Anna waiting for her at the entrance. Bella liked to be loud and it was as if God had blessed her with the lungs because even if she was far away, you could still hear her voice.

The people walking around turned when they heard her yell. At once they were attracted to her beauty and forgot her loud voice. Anna laughed loudly as Bella wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug. They had not seen each other ever since the day of the conference.

The one who had styled Anna that day was Bella. Even the dress she wore that day was handpicked by her.

"My baby….I missed you so much…" Bella started complaining immediately while Anna laughed even louder, "I missed you too…" she said as she wrapped up the other in a warm hug. Back then if Bella was not there, she did not know what could have happened to her.

Bella was from a very influential family in the capital. Her family was involved in cosmetics and that was why Bella was so involved in Make-up. She even learned it at the university level and was one of the best in the country.

The two made their way inside the mall and started picking clothes and shoes. Anna's hands were already full of clothes. When it came to shopping, Bella always became excited. Her enthusiasm was based on the fact that she was a stylist. When she looked at anything good, she could not help but feel excited.

All throughout the mall, she held up many clothes while shouting, "This one will look good on you!"

When she saw a stylish shoe she would still shout, "Anna aaah! This shoe looks so good!"

Her voice was really loud and almost everyone looked in their direction. Anna Lee could only cover her head with the clothes the other had heaped on her hands. She pulled the other to try out the clothes at the changing section. On the way, a dress caught her eye and she stopped abruptly.

The dress was white in color yet it was the design that attracted her. Even through the glass, one could still see the intricacies and the delicateness the mender put in when making the dress. Bella became confused when they stopped but when she looked at what Anna was looking at, she became awestruck too, that dress was incredibly beautiful.

"We have to get you that, NOW…." Bella said as she eyed the dress with a glint in her eyes. Anna just shook her head. She was the one who wanted to bring the other shopping but from the looks of it, Bella was the one who had brought her here instead.

Anna Lee was pulled inside by the other. She did not know what to say when she saw the dress up close, it took her breath away. As soon as they got inside, an assistant came over and told them about the dress.

"Hello, welcome to our store. This is the latest dress by Rudolfo, the Italian designer, it is called 'Angel'" the assistant said with a smile although her tone looked lukewarm. Their store only received buyers from the upper social class. Just by looking at the two ladies standing in front of her, she could not help but think that they could not afford the dress based on how they were dressed.

"We want to try it on," Bella said as she asked the assistant to bring them the dress. The assistant frowned and said, "Miss, this dress is very expensive…I…" she did not finish but Bella and Anna got her hint.

The assistant was trying to tell them that they could not afford the dress. Bella laughed in anger while Anna frowned, just what sort of treatment was this?

Bella wanted to counter-attack but the door was suddenly opened and an expensively dressed lady stepped in. the assistant looked up at once and her attitude did a one-eighty degree change. She put on her best smile while approaching the lady,

"Welcome to our store Miss Ling!"