Do you know who I am?


Miss Ling that the assistant beamed when she saw made her way inside the store with a troupe of ladies flocking behind her. They were all dressed in the latest designer clothes while their six-inch high heels made clicking sounds as they walked.

One of the ladies looked at the white dress and exclaimed, "Miss Ling this dress would look good on you!" her voice was loud. Although her statement praised the other, her tone held a jealous undertone. Ling Che was the only daughter of Ling Ming, who was one of the biggest real estate bosses in the country.

She was pampered to no end by her father and two elder brothers that she had become somewhat proud. When she heard the statement, her face held a smile. Ling Che liked it when others praised her. Her beaming face was followed by a comment, "Really?"

The assistant knew that this was her turn to jump in, "Miss Ling, this is the latest dress that was brought into our store. It is called Angel just like you would you like to try it on?" her sugary words did indeed make Ling Che happy. She smiled and then said, "I want to try it on."

The assistant quickly moved to hand her the dress. Bella frowned. Based on the time, she should be handed the dress to try on first but now that the other woman had come, she was being handed the dress first, what sort of service was this?

"We came here first, why are you giving it to them?" Bella voiced her displeasure. The assistant scoffed and told her, "Miss, this dress costs ten million Yuan, do you think you can afford it?"

Anna frowned at the price. She wanted to pull Bella out but the other would not budge. She looked and saw that the other's eyes had changed, this was a dangerous sign.

"Ten million.....what makes you think I cannot afford it?" Bella asked while crossing her arms. She could not believe the audacity of this assistant.

"You are fighting for a dress with our Ling Che?" One of the ladies quipped. She looked disgustingly at Bella and Anna. Their cheap clothes could not even compare to the pinky finger of Ling Che's.

Ling Che on the other hand had not noticed the other two. It was either by pretense or she thought that they did not deserve to be looked at by her. She stared at the dress again and stated matter of factly, "I want that dress."

Ever since she was born, she had gotten everything she wanted without fail even if it meant taking it from another person she did not care, anything she wanted, she got and that was the rule.

Bella on the other hand did not back down, "We came here first so I want that dress."

The assistant did not know what to do. Ling Che on the other hand looked at Bella with an icy glare. Her gaze grew colder when she noticed how beautiful the other looked. How dare she compete with her for something, who did she think she was?

She walked over towards Bella and Anna and looked them up and as if she was disgusted by them, she moved back. Anna frowned and then laughed lightly. She looked toward this pampered princess and laughed, "Not to be rude but the dress does not even look your size. How about this, we each take turns trying it on, and then the one who looks better in it gets to take it home. Miss Ling, what do you think of this?"

Ling Che frowned while Bella laughed. The other was clearly telling Ling Che that she did not have a good size. She looked at her and asked, "When did you get so bad?" Anna only shrugged.

Ling Che turned around towards the assistant, "When did this store start allowing people without status inside?"

The assistant became fearful at once. Ling Che was known for her temper. She looked towards one side and said to Bella and Anna, "I am sorry but would you please leave the store? The dress is indeed expensive and I don't think you can afford it, it will go to Miss Ling instead."

Her words were derogatory and rude. Ling Che smiled and waited for them to leave but none of them budged. The ladies who had come with Ling Che frowned as well. One of them even shouted, "You have been kicked out, what are you still doing here?"

Another echoed, "This store does not accept any tom dick and harry. Hurry up and leave instead of dirtying the place."

Ling Che smiled and said to Bella and Anna, "Do you even know who I am?"

Both of them smiled while Bella asked back, "What about you, do you know who I am?"