Ling Che was taken back. Throughout the capital, no one dared say such lofty words to her. She was like the princess of the city yet this nobody dared disrespect her in such a way. She turned to the assistant, "Why are they still here? Don't you feel like the environment is dirtied by their presence?"

Bella scoffed and looked at Ling Che from head to toe and then noticed that her bag was slightly opened. She noticed that inside the bag were different types of cosmetics which were written, 'ANGEL BEAUTY'

What a coincidence, she laughed. Those were the same cosmetics produced by her mother's company. The price of a single pallet of eye shadow was tremendously high that it could be a normal person's monthly wage.

Only the ladies in high societies, actors, actresses, and famous musicians could afford the make-up brands her mother produced which was why it was such a coincidence. It seemed like Miss Ling was also a fan of the products and had even bought a couple of them.

"What are you looking at?" One of the ladies scoffed at Bella. She also noticed the make-up brand in Ling Che's bag and a flash of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

"Stop looking at things that do not belong to you, do you think you can afford them?" her voice grew higher in decibels and her words grew in contempt. Bella only laughed while saying in her mind, "Can't afford it? The company that produces it belongs to me so how can I not afford it?"

The assistant turned toward Bella and Anna with a harsh look, "I am afraid but you have to ask you to leave, if not I will be forced to call security to drag you out." Her words were pretty rude. Anna laughed and asked, "Drag us out? On what basis?"

The assistant looked at them like retarded people who could not understand human language, "You clearly cannot afford the dress and yet you are still here. Miss Ling already wants the dress so it will go to her."

Anna laughed, "Go to her…based on what?"

The assistant could not believe her. Even the rest of the people looked like they had run out of patience. The assistant moved to the phone to call security. Ling Che and her entourage had smug looks on their faces; they could not wait to see the two being thrown out.

The assistant had just picked up the phone when a voice fleeted by the door. All of them turned around and saw two men standing at the entrance of the boutique. One of them was dressed simply in a clean suit and on his eyes were glasses. The other one had on an expensive Armani suit matched with black leather shoes.

Although he looked simple, that face of his was not. The way he looked could not be described in mere words. His eyes were beautiful but they held a hint of danger. His face looked like it was carved by God himself and he took his precious time doing it.

The man was tall but not too tall, he was just the right size. The clothes contoured his body shape ever so beautifully and his eyes held a hint of boredom.

He looked inside and his eyes landed on one particular person, he could not look anywhere again.

The two people were Mo Xing and his secretary, Zhou Feng.

Zhou Feng walked inside and asked, "What is going on here?"

The assistant turned around and was immediately filled with fear, how could the big boss be here at this time? She was in the middle of throwing the others out but was caught by their boss instead.

Ling Che on the other hand looked at Mo Xing with dreamy eyes. In her life, she had seen countless men but none of them could be equal to a single finger on this man's hands. This was the leader of the Mo Empire, Mo Xing. No matter where or what, this was a figure that was etched too deep inside her heart and mind, she had seen him once and since then she had been unable to forget him.

But, what was he doing here?

She watched as Mo Xing made his way inside. Something inside her jumped up, he was walking towards her but before she could be happy, she watched in horror as he passed her and stop at a certain person behind her. His voice then fleeted,

"We meet again."