Be Careful!


Anna Lee returned to film after a few days. The day was postponed following what happened during the dinner.

Once Anna reached the set, a pair of chilly eyes followed her everywhere and she shuddered slightly. She turned around and saw Lillian Ye looking at her with hateful eyes. She flashed her a bright smile and then proceeded to head over to the changing room.

Lillian Ye who was on the other side was almost grinding her teeth into powder. She could not believe the bad luck she was having lately.

Every effort of hers was met with a high wall and now Anna was smiling at her so brightly, how she wished she could pound all her bones on the ground.

Back at home, harry had also started changing, he did not react to her like he used to back then.

Everything of hers was not going according to plan!

And it was all because of that Anna Lee!!!

Anna, who was humming happily, sneezed all of a sudden. The make-up artist, who was working on her hair threw her head back in laughter and then said worriedly, "Anna, you should be careful of the cold these days,"

Anna nodded at her and then smiled. In her mind she knew why she sneezed, that Lillian must be talking about her!

The scene today was a bit difficult and technical. Director Zheng was a bit worried that some mishap may happen. It was a fighting scene between General Rong and a neighboring general.

The two of them had met unknowingly and the enemy general was still holding some grudges after having been defeated. The grudge was simply because the person who had defeated him and his army was a woman.

In the whole empire, there was no tactician better that General Rong which was why she could win every war she fought in. she was always ten steps ahead.

Director Zheng looked at Anna with worried eyes. He had previously told her that they could use a body double for the scene but Anna had refused while saying that she could do it.

In truth, before her mother died, she had enrolled her to self-defense classes. Anna loved the teachings so much that she enrolled herself in other classes and even attained a black belt so Director Zheng's worry appreciated but it was for nothing.

The other general was known as Ming Yu and the role was played by a B-list actor known as Zhan Yu. His movies did well and he also had quite a huge following.

Director Zheng called everyone over and gave the instructions they needed to hear.

Once everything was set, he yelled through the microphone, "Action!"

In the outskirts of the capital, there was a small tea house known as Dust Tea House. Many travellers frequented it because it was right beside the road.

General Ming Yu of the southern army was currently sitting inside, holding a clean clay tea cup. His face was at the moment clouded in anger and every once in a while, he would curse. He was accompanied by some of his men from the army.

Many of them dared not look at this general of theirs while some blatantly calmed him down while saying words like, "General, calm down, that Rong Gu was only lucky…"

The others echoed him loudly while General Ming Yu only felt the anger in him growing and bubbling inside of him.

He slapped the teacup down in anger and the pitiful thing broke down into tiny pieces in his hands. The tea slid down his slender fingers so beautifully.

He stood up and then kicked a table a few miters away while shouting to his men, "SHUT UP!"

The clamoring crowd shut down at once.

General Ming Yu then walked out briskly but before he could, a dainty voice.

The voice was crisp but it held a bit of sloppiness, which was gotten when one became drunk.

He looked over and noticed that in the midst of his men sat a beauty. She was leaning over slightly and on her hand was a teacup but he was not sure if the contents inside was alcohol or tea.

The beauty scoffed slightly, "heh!"

Her lips were painted red and they were so luscious that while staring at them, the general froze, unable to look at anything else.

Director Zheng nodded, "Cut! That was good. Take a little break and then we will continue later."

The two of them nodded and then moved away for the crew to rearrange the set.

Zhan Yu looked at Anna Lee. His heart was beating madly in his chest, the other was so beautiful that he did not know whether he froze due to acting or it was his real emotions.

He could not help but ask himself, 'Was I acting just now?'

His assistant came over and stared at his dazed appearance, "Xiao Yu, what's wrong?"

Zhan Yu simply nodded his head; some things were better left unsaid.

Director Zheng went through the footage once again and exclaimed once he saw it. He turned towards Cheng Xingli who was popping a red lollipop inside her mouth.

He then shook her while saying happily, "I struck gold this time round Xingli ah!"

Cheng Xingli was dizzy with all the shaking. She could only shake her head helplessly, they had struck gold indeed!