

The scene began once again after the break. Director Zheng had already given out instructions to them so they already knew what to do.

General Rong was sitting in the middle of an enemy army. She had been listening to what they were saying but they became boring so she took out the alcohol she had hidden between her lapels and started drinking it slowly.

After a while she actually became tipsy but then she still heard that soldier say that she had won out of pure luck.

Just as General Ming Yu was about to walk out, she could not help but scoff in dispute, how could she win by luck?

If everyone was so lucky then why don't they use it to win instead?

She got up sloppily, her hands holding the liquor jar. Her face was slightly flushed while her walk was wobbly; she almost fell down three times while walking toward General Ming Yu.

General Ming Yu was still stupefied. He looked towards that woman who was walking towards him. Her beauty was like anything he had ever seen. Coupled with her sloppy walk and flushed face, she looked ethereal.

She then stood in front of him while pouting slightly then said out in displeasure, "Who said there was luck in war?"

General Ming Yu could not answer her. He saw his soldiers taking out their swords, ready to engage when something happened to their general but he motioned for them to stop.

He looked at her and asked, "Who are you?"

General Rong was dazed for a little while and then answered, "You don't know who I am?"

Her voice held displeasure. General Ming looked at her once again and found her familiar but he could not remember where he had seen such a beautiful person. He shook his head slowly towards her and this motion made general Rong angry.

"You are saying you don't know me yet your soldiers have said I won against you by luck?"

General Ming Yu froze and even his soldiers had on blank faces too,

This was….General Rong?

How could this weak-looking girl be General Rong?

"You are General Rong?" General Ming Yu asked in disbelief. No wonder she looked familiar. He watched the clear eyes that were looking at him.

General Rong sighed, "You don't believe me?"

She then walked towards a soldier and snatched his sword away from him while mouthing drunkenly, "Lend me this for a little bit…"

She then staggered toward Ming Yu and directed the sword toward him. When the other soldiers saw this, they drew their swords and surrounded her. General Ming Yu watched with interest. If she was truly Rong Gu then this was a good way to show her abilities.

"Why are they surrounding me?"

She asked, confused.

General Rong had one enemy and that was alcohol. Back in her army, they never let her touch alcohol until the war was over, or else she would turn herself into a completely different person once the alcohol kicked in.

Her mannerisms would become especially childish and just like children like toys, she would play way too much with her sword.

One soldier rushed out to fight with her. She dodged slightly and then slapped his face with the sword. A red imprint was left on the soldier's face.

The rest of them started retreating slightly. General Rong went over and stood on top of that soldier she had just slapped with a sword. Coincidentally, this was the same soldier who had said that she won out of sheer luck

She looked at him and then said coldly, "I won…by luck?"

The air turned frigid at once.

General Rong's face became chilly. In the empire, Ming Yu was known as a man full of pride. Now that a woman had defeated him, he could not take it calmly and was bound to take his revenge soon.

General Rong knew of this which was why she had mingled with them in order to know what the general was planning but the boredom made her drink.

Although she was drunk, her wits were still there.

She studied the soldiers, today they had to fight no matter what.

She wanted to defeat this proud general once again and also use this chance to strike a deal with him.

"I asked you a question…did you say I won by luck...why are you not answering me?"

The soldier who was down could not speak; his face was swollen from the earlier attack that he could not talk.

When General Rong saw that she was not going to get an answer, she slapped him once more and then kicked him several feet away.

General Rong then looked at the others and pointed the sword to them, her eyes chilly, "Come on, let us fight!"

Director Zheng happily slapped his legs, "Excellent! Xiao Lee, that action just now was perfect. Zhan Yu that was excellent!!"