Someone who knows you well.

Four years…four years had passed since he last saw her.

Many people told him to let go of her and even more asked him to move on, but Mo Xing couldn't. The ache of her absence lingered in every corner of his being, an ever-present reminder of a love that time couldn't erase.

The world had moved forward, but Mo Xing's heart remained suspended in the past. The pain of her disappearance, the uncertainty of her fate, and the relentless passage of time had etched deep grooves in his soul.

Anna had been his whole life, the sole reason for his existence and she had been forcefully taken away from him.

The two of them stood opposite each other and Mo Xing could not help but call out once again, "Anna?"

Mo Xing's heart raced as he stood there, witnessing the enchanting scene of Anna surrounded by falling flowers. However, as he called out her name, the spark of recognition he hoped for didn't immediately reflect in Anna's eyes.