Reminiscing the past

Startled by the unexpected interruption, Anna and Mo Xing slowly released their embrace and turned to find Ying Ying, her innocent eyes wide with curiosity, standing beside them.

Mo Xing blinked, trying to gather himself, and then smiled gently at Ying Ying. "Ying Ying, your mommy and I are old friends. Sometimes, friends give each other hugs when they meet after a long time."

Ying Ying tilted her head, processing the information. "Oh, like the hugs I give my dolls?"

Mo Xing chuckled, "Exactly like that. But don't worry, I won't take your mommy away. I promise."

Ying Ying quickly nodded and pulled someone beside her, "See, what I told you was right, he looks just like you!"

The person Ying Ying had pulled over was Ning Ning. He was acting aloof but when he saw Mo Xing, his adorable eyes widened!

This man, he really looked so much like him!

Mo Xing looked down as well. Seeing Ning Ning, he was very sure that these were his children!