One gone, one to go!

The face shocked everyone. No one could believe that this was true!

The person was none other than Shen Mimi!

Shen Mimi had already been sent away from the industry for indecency yet she came back and even had her face changed to look like Anna's!

Who knew that the fake Anna was none other than her!

On social media, the only thing everyone was talking about was this. It was getting so crazy that the posts had already reached one million!

One person commented,

"I cannot believe that Shen Mimi would go as far as to get her face done to look like Anna's so she could create havoc! What a shameless person!"

Another person wrote,

"Shen Mimi's desperation knows no bounds! To stoop so low as to impersonate someone else just to cause trouble is truly despicable. She should be ashamed of herself!"