Are you two married?

After Shen Mimi had been taken away, the whole ballroom was thrown into utter confusion. The host was suddenly unaware of how to steer the gala into the right direction.

Everyone was still reeling from the sudden turn of events, unsure of how to proceed amidst the chaos that had erupted with Shen Mimi's dramatic revelation. 

The once lively atmosphere was now tinged with tension and uncertainty, casting a shadow over the gala's festivities.

The host struggled to regain control, his attempts at humor falling flat as the audience remained fixated on the shocking developments that had unfolded before their eyes.

As everyone let the events sink in, they suddenly remembered that there was one thing that had slipped in their minds, and it was none other than Anna and Mo Xing's relationship!

Thanks to Shen Mimi revealing the truth that Anna and Mo Xing were together, there was no way Anna could deny it now!