It is you, right?

Everyone else joined the stage and danced together with Anna and Mo Xing. Ying Ying and Ning Ning went over to Mo Feng Li and Tang Wei. 

Ning Ning went to Tang Wei and bowed like the little prince he was, "Grandma, would you do me the honour of dancing with me?"

Tang Wei was touched by Ning Ning's sweet gesture. She smiled warmly and nodded, her eyes shining with affection. "Of course, my dear grandson," she replied, taking Ning Ning's hand gently. "I would be delighted to dance with you."

With that, Tang Wei and Ning Ning joined the others on the dance floor, their movements graceful and filled with joy. As they twirled and swayed to the music, the bond between grandmother and grandson grew even stronger, a testament to the power of love and family.

Seeing them dancing happily, Mo Feng Li went over and asked Ying Ying for a dance. Grandfather and granddaughter danced the night away like it was not anyone's business!