Make way! I need to leave!

Jiang Fu Lei was unsure but from the back, the body and the posture, he had no reason to doubt that this was Yang Mi!

"Yang Mi, I know it is you!" he called out in full confidence since he believed he was right.

Yang Mi was frozen on the spot. It was hard to move since a force she could not see rooted her legs firmly on the ground!

She could also not turn her head to face Jiang Fu Lei because she was scared of what would happen next!

Confronting Jiang Fu Lei was out of the question because seeing him here still made her realize how fearful she was of him.

He sent chills down her spine. The things he did, the things he could still do to her danced in her brain making her nervousness reach a fever pitch!

Jiang Fu Lei had a smile on his face. He was ugly and when he smiled it was even uglier.

"Have you come back to look for me? Are you so desperate for me to take you back? Who even told you I was here?"