You are lost

For some reason, the news was very foreboding but she brushed it aside as news unrelated to her.

She gently tapped Angel on the shoulders and said, "I am done with the shoot. I will get changed then it is time to leave."

Angel nodded, "That's fine. I hope it went well."

Anna nodded, "It was better than I anticipated. I hope the fans will react positively when the posters are up."

Angel laughed, "With the three of you in it, how could they react badly? Don't worry, they will love it!"

The posters were indeed great and the vision of Director Fu was something that could not be joked with.

Anna smiled and then went back to change her clothes. The costumes had to remain here since some alterations still needed to be made. Once she was done, she said goodbye to Angel before walking out. She had to meet Director Fu in the afternoon so starting now until the time of their meeting, she had some time to kill.