He was arrested again

Lu shook his head, "Not really. I have been here for about five minutes now. How have you been?"

Anna looked at him, "Pretty good. How is everything over there and how is your sister?"

She had last seen his sister the day they came back home after Mo Xing's Vampires saved them from the island. His sister was bubbly and Anna liked her personality very much.

Lu smiled when he was asked the question, "She is doing well. She is about to complete school and will graduate at the end of the year."

He looked proud. His sister was more his own child than a sibling and he was having a proud parent moment right now!

Anna nodded happily. She liked hearing such kinds of things. Her smile was suddenly restrained when she thought of something, "What about…your father?"

Lu's smile did not falter as she expected. Instead, his smile only got bigger, "He was arrested yet again. We will be leaving for a broad soon anyway so I don't think we will ever meet again."