Saw a ghost

Outside, Anna walked out towards her car. Bobo was snickering and she could see it through the window.

Anna walked quickly towards her car but then she saw something that made her blood run cold!

In front of her, she could see someone who resembled her mother!

Anna thought she was seeing her own things. She quickly closed her eyes and rubbed them. When she looked up again, the woman was gone!

Anna ran towards the direction she had just seen the woman but she could not see anyone. Everything was starting to feel like a fragment of her own imagination.

Bobo saw Anna behaving strangely and walked out. She ran after her and called out, "Anna?"

Anna could not respond. Her face was ashen while her breaths were laboured. She ran helter-skelter trying to see if she could see someone but there was no one. There was a faint perfume lingering where she had seen the woman.