Can we go away?

Anna stared at her mother in shock, "What do you mean by that? You can't seriously say that or do that to me! Nothing gives you the right!"

She was yelling now, her hands rising up and down in frustration.

Ming Mimi stared at her and said, "Do you think I care about what you think? I only want to protect you and Mo Xing is not…"

"Now?" Anna interripted her. "You want to protect me now? Where were you all those years that I needed your protection? In case you have forgotten, you were the one who left me in search for God-knows-what and now you are here stating that you want to protect me?"

Ming Mimi froze. She did not know Anna could bring up the past in such a manner. She sighed, "I know leaving was not the best choice I made but...i had my reasons. I…"