His plane crashed over the ocean

Lu was taken aback, "What?"

his sister's voice was trembling, "You promised that we would leave this place for a new life abroad. I heard that Dad is coming out of prison soon and I am scared of what he will do when he gets out!"

Her father was the one who sold her away in order to pay his gambling debts and all that took place was still as clear as day in her mind. Her brother had sent him to jail but that was still not enough since he was being released soon!

Knowing her father like she did, there was no way he would let everything that happened slide.

He also still had the debts since he took new ones and there was no doubt that he would use her to pay off the creditors!

She was very scared and Lu could tell from her voice alone.

He whispered, "I amcoming home right now. Waut fior me I will be there in ten minutes!"