Are you okay

The other two reacted quickly when they saw that one of them was down. One shouted as he lunged at Mei Qing while cursing, "You have a death wish you stupid woman?"

Mei Qing laughed chillingly, "I am afraid it is not my time to die yet but for you, on the other hand…"

With the help of her curtains, she jumped mid-air and kicked the lunging man square in the chest. He stumbled backwards, crashing into a table and sending papers flying everywhere.

The second man drew a knife and approached more cautiously. "You think you can take us all down?" he sneered.

Mei Qing's eyes narrowed. "I don't think," she said, her voice steady and cold. "I know."

The man lunged with his knife, and Mei Qing sidestepped, grabbing his wrist and twisting it. He cried out in pain, dropping the knife. With a swift motion, she kicked the knife away and elbowed him in the face, sending him reeling.