I did not know

He called them over excitedly, "That was fantastic! The tension, the urgency, everything was perfect. Anna, your portrayal of Mei Qing's desperation and relief was spot-on. And Lin Yufan, you brought the right amount of calm and determination to Fei Hua. Well done, both of you."

They had filmed in between breaks and the result was better than he imagined.

Anna and Lin Yufan exchanged smiles, pleased with the director's praise. Anna felt a sense of accomplishment wash over her, knowing that despite everything, she was able to deliver a strong performance.

Director Fu clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright, take a short break. We'll set up for the next scene."

Anna stepped aside with Lin Yufan, who handed her a water bottle. "You were amazing out there," Lin Yufan said, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

"Thanks," Anna replied, taking a sip of water. "You too. I think we really nailed it."