
Huan Ro knew his chance was an absolute zero. He was only trying his luck on his fate.

Qin Yu was brimming in victory. His grin would almost hit his ear. If his lady would reject him and he still insisted, he had already brought an elastic tight rope and would drag him outside the gate wall if he remained headstrong.

"I'll hear your detail, but not here."

Su Ci Yi made an abrupt turn and face the man wearing a clover-green jacket. There was a thrill of earnest and despair on his face. A foreboding doubt was throbbing on his chest. He doesn't have any person to talk about these things but only Su Ci Yi. If he left this case to the police, he'll just be treated like an insane person. If Su Ci Yi didn't reveal her circumstances, then he thought he's going to be insane. In this case, at least he knew that someone can confirm his claim.

"Milady?" Qin Yu's smile made a complete overturn.