Just a Coincidence

Huan Ro's jaw dropped on this revelation of hers. Su Ci Yi nonchalantly declared the child beside him was hers. Right at this current moment, he was impressed by how possible everything at this era and time.

Qin Tao's eyes gleam hearing this and his mood brightens. He sipped the remaining lemon juice on his glass, clean and without a single drop remain.

It came to the final time of this talk. Huan Ro with the intention of seeking help on Su Ci Yi spoke in his ambivalent voice. Right now, this woman was her only salvation in finding Xiang MoMo. The man who took her might have an insidious agenda towards her and MoMo might not be in good state right this moment. She might be cowering in fear, alone in a dark cramp room.

Su Ci Yi weighted her decision. The point of finding her or not wasn't the main concern here. It was the purpose of the man who took her.